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Ali N.

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Perturbation Methods Ali N.
Perturbation Methods
The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have become recognized classics in their respective fields. With these new unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend the life of these important works by making them available to future generations of mathematicians and scientists. Currently available in the Series: T. W....
13775.1 руб.
Nonlinear Oscillations Ali N.
Nonlinear Oscillations
Nonlinear Oscillations is a self-contained and thorough treatment of the vigorous research that has occurred in nonlinear mechanics since 1970. The book begins with fundamental concepts and techniques of analysis and progresses through recent developments and provides an overview that abstracts and introduces main nonlinear phenomena....
18630.25 руб.
Introduction to Perturbation Techniques Ali N.
Introduction to Perturbation Techniques
Similarities, differences, advantages and limitations of perturbation techniques are pointed out concisely. The techniques are described by means of examples that consist mainly of algebraic and ordinary differential equations. Each chapter contains a number of exercises. ...
15920.4 руб.
Linear and Nonlinear Structural Mechanics Ali N.
Linear and Nonlinear Structural Mechanics
* Explains the physical meaning of linear and nonlinear structural mechanics. * Shows how to perform nonlinear structural analysis. * Points out important nonlinear structural dynamics behaviors. * Provides ready-to-use governing equations. ...
17275.33 руб.
The Method of Normal Forms Ali N.
The Method of Normal Forms
In this introductory treatment Ali Nayfeh presents different concepts from dynamical systems theory and nonlinear dynamics in a rigorous yet plan way. He systematically introduces models and techniques and states the relevant ranges of validity and applicability....
18065.7 руб.
Archetypal and Conceptual Metaphors Ali N.
Archetypal and Conceptual Metaphors
This study seeks to examine archetypal and conceptual metaphors that run through the poetry of two romantic poets: the British John Clare (1793 – 1864) and the Egyptian Mahmoud Hasan Ismail (1910 – 1977)....
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Tourism Industry in Milieu of Recent Militancy in Swat, Pakistan Ali N. Ibrar M. Shafi B.
Tourism Industry in Milieu of Recent Militancy in Swat, Pakistan
The purpose of this research study is to assess the tourism industry before and after the militancy in swat and to find out socioeconomic impacts on beneficiaries. Tourism is the source of income for many countries of the world including Pakistan. Because Pakistan has naturally beautiful as well historically rich area....
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The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction Ali N.
The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction
In this research customer satisfaction and service quality have been considered as important factors for any organizations. However, empirical evidence concerning the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, offered by organizations, has remained unclear....
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Assessment of the Impact of absenteeism Ali N.
Assessment of the Impact of absenteeism
Absenteeism is one of the biggest problems facing education. Therfore it has been subject to an intensive research. Most of the resaerch done on this phenomenon intended to determine its major causes in order to solve the problem.Findings have not always been consistent due to the variation of the determined causes from one study to another....
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Unsupervised Learning Method for Content Based Image Retrieval Ali N. Zakariya S.
Unsupervised Learning Method for Content Based Image Retrieval
In learning any new topic, the first stages are the most essential. The related topics should be properly introduced in order to hold the learner’s awareness. The learner then comprehends and appreciates the subject better. This is more so in the case of image processing in general....
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A Novel Role of Nuclear Medicine In vitro Technology in Pregnancy Ali N.
A Novel Role of Nuclear Medicine In vitro Technology in Pregnancy
This book explains The efficiency of using the double markers ?HCG and ? fetoprotein (AFP) for early detection of congenital abnormalities as Down’s syndrome, neural tube defects (NTDs) and Blighted ovum as well as possibility of pregnancy detection in the first week of gestation....
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New natural active constituents against Ali N. Saeed S.
New natural active constituents against "Schistosoma mansoni"
Schistosomiasis is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality associated with parasitic infections in endemic areas, affecting nearly 300 million people in 76 countries all over the world....
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Mutational Analysis of p53 gene and dietary risk factors Ali N. Muhammad U.
Mutational Analysis of p53 gene and dietary risk factors
Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies in the female genital tract and poses serious health hazards. The gene P53 safeguards cell integrity however; a mutation in this gene increases the lifeline of the cells which are programmed for cell death....
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Peristaltic flows of some non-Newtonian fluids Ali N.
Peristaltic flows of some non-Newtonian fluids
The peristaltic flow can be induced by the propagation of waves along the flexible walls of a channel/tube. Peristalsis is seen in the ureters which are tubular organs connecting the kidneys to the bladder....
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Molecular Biology Techniques for Biomolecules Ali N. Iqbal M.
Molecular Biology Techniques for Biomolecules
A biomolecule is any molecule that is produced by a living organism, including large macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids, as well as small molecules such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products....
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