Информация об авторе

Crum K.

Библиография книг автора

OH,Comics! #18: Earth Crum K. Ink M. Levin M. Myers S. Riddle J. Small B. Sue S. Tomczak R. Wyatt M.
OH,Comics! #18: Earth
Oh,Comics! #18 The Earth issue. 18 salt of the earth comic strips by 13 creators. Oh,Comics! is an annual comics anthology centered around a different theme each year....
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Oh,Comics! #20: Air (Volume 20) Alu-Marr B. Baxter D. Bliss P. Canini B. Crum K. Ke C. Peters S. Skite D.
Oh,Comics! #20: Air (Volume 20)
Oh,Comics! #20 \"Air\" Oh,Comics! is an annual comics anthology centering around a yearly theme. Issue 20 includes 14 strips by 15 creators with the theme of air. Genres include fantasy, slice of life, humor, science fiction and more. It\'s 82 pages of Gasous Delight!...
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SPACE Anthology 2012 (Volume 1) Bryan J. Bryan M. Corby B. Crum K. Kitchen M. Lachowski K. Myers S. Naomi M.
SPACE Anthology 2012 (Volume 1)
The SPACE Anthology 2012 is this years edition of the annual anthology of the Small Press & Alternative Comics Expo (SPACE), which is held in Columbus Ohio each year. This years tome includes 19 strips by 23 creators....
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