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Jimenez J.

Библиография книг автора

Spomeniks Jimenez J.
Spomeniks literally meaning \\\"Monuments\\\" in Serbo-Croatian, look like spaceships conspicuously parked up in the middle of nowhere, alien to their surroundings, their bizarre beauty deriving from both their abstract location and imaginative......
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Mi primer libro de poesia Hernandez M. Jimenez J. Lorca F.
Mi primer libro de poesia
Me gusta jugar con mi gata Renata, con mi dragon de trapo o con mi bicicleta. Pero hay veces que no se como expresar lo que siento, si es mucha alegria, o tristeza, o miedo. Un dia, mi padre me dijo que los poetas nos ayudan porque son magos que convierten los sentimientos en versos fantasticos....
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The Committee of the Regions: a springboard for the citizens in Europe Jimenez J.
The Committee of the Regions: a springboard for the citizens in Europe
In times when the debate about the model of the EU arises, this book discusses the role of the Committee of the Regions (CoR), an advisory body of the European Union which defines itself as the political assembly of holders of a regional or local electoral mandate, in tackling the democratic deficit and enhance the citizens?...
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Platero y yo Jimenez J.
Platero y yo
Juan Ramon Jimenez, Premio Nobel de 1956, convirtio su Platero el borriquillo que paseaba al poeta en las tardes de Moguer en una figura legendaria tan popular como Alicia o el Principito....
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Email at the workplace: A survival guide. Solutions and tips. Jimenez J.
Email at the workplace: A survival guide. Solutions and tips.
This guide will help you improve email performance by creating more efficient emails and more effectively meet your communication and business goals. Inside, you will find recommendations on how to structure emails, better differentiate between subjects, understand email principles, increase email comprehension and obtain more effective answers....
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Platero y yo Jimenez J.
Platero y yo
La obra de Juan Ramon Jimenez, inseparable de su vida, no conoce fronteras rigidas entre el verso у la prosa, nacidos de esa linica fuente de inspiracion \"que rnana у corre\"....
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Platero y yo Jimenez J.
Platero y yo
La obra de Juan Ramon Jimenez, inseparable de su vida, no conoce fronteras rigidas entre el verso у la prosa, nacidos de esa linica fuente de inspiracion \"que rnana у corre\"....
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Platero y yo Jimenez J.
Platero y yo
Повесть знаменитого испанского писателя, лауреата Нобелевской премии Хуана Рамона Хименеса \\\"Платеро и я\\\" вышла в свет в 1914 г. За свою жизнь Хуан Рамон Хименес выпустил около 40 поэтических и прозаических сборников. Он считается главой испанского модернизма. В переводе с испанского \\\"platero\\\" означает \\\"серебристый\\\"....
199 руб.