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Ruiz J.

Библиография книг автора

Nuevo Prisma C2. Libro del profesor del M. Munoz J. Ruiz J.
Nuevo Prisma C2. Libro del profesor
Nuevo Prisma – это новый, шестиуровневый курс испанского языка для молодежи и взрослых, основанный на опыте использования и преподавания курса Prisma и представленный на всех уровнях владения языком (MCER A1 – C2)....
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Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro del alumno (+CD) del M. Munoz J. Ruiz J. Suarez E.
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro del alumno (+CD)
Nuevo Prisma es un curso de espanol estructurado en seis niveles que sigue un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y centrado en el alumno con el fin de fomentar el aprendizaje de la lengua para la comunicacion en espanol dentro y fuera del aula....
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Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro de ejercicios (+CD) del M. Munoz J. Ruiz J. Suarez E.
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2. Libro de ejercicios (+CD)
Nuevo Prisma. Nivel C2 Ejercicios es un material elaborado para consolidar y mejorar el aprendizaje de la lengua a traves de actividades que practican la comprension auditiva y lectora, la expresion oral y escrita, los elementos linguisticos y el lexico, siguiendo un enfoque comunicativo, orientado a la accion y centrado en el estudiante....
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Agencia ELE 4: Manual de espanol: Nivel B1.2: Libro de ejercicios (+ CD) Fernandez C. Genta F. Lerner I. Martinez D. Ruiz J. Sanmartin J.
Agencia ELE 4: Manual de espanol: Nivel B1.2: Libro de ejercicios (+ CD)
Manual de ELE dividido en los niveles A1+, A2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.1 y B2.2 del Marco comun europeo de referencia para las lenguas: ensenanza, aprendizaje, evaluacidn (MCER). Contenidos conformes al Plan curricular del Institute Cervantes....
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Airline Internships: Career Implications Ruiz J.
Airline Internships: Career Implications
The purpose of the study was to identify the impact an airline flight operations internship was perceived to have in the pursuit of career goals. The study investigated how former airline flight operations interns, from multiple airlines, perceived the value an internship experience had in the pursuit of their career goals....
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Market Entry Strategies of European Operators in Underserved Markets Ruiz J.
Market Entry Strategies of European Operators in Underserved Markets
The following paper presents a comprehensive framework for the study and assessment of the economic potential of wireless markets in developing countries. The framework is sequential and recursive, staggered in three stages. The first stage is a macro analysis at the level of the company\"\"s international business model....
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Economic Analysis of Rural and Artisanal Aquaculture in Ecuador Ruiz J.
Economic Analysis of Rural and Artisanal Aquaculture in Ecuador
A profitability analysis of three types of culture for Rural and Artisanal Aquaculture practice in Ecuador is put under scrutiny: monoculture of the freshwater fish cachama (Piaractus brachypomus), monoculture of red claw crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) and polyculture tilapia – cachama....
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Oracle Essbase 11 Development Cookbook Ruiz J.
Oracle Essbase 11 Development Cookbook
Over 90 advanced development recipes to build and take your Oracle Essbase Applications further with this Oracle Essbase This book and e-book will provide you with the tools needed to successfully build and deploy your Essbase application. Includes the major components that need to be considered when designing an Essbase application....
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Peptidos bioactivos de Phaseolus vulgaris L. endurecido: Actividad antihipertensiva y antioxidante de fracciones peptidicas obtenidas de frijol endurecido (Spanish Edition) Ancona D. Ortiz G. Ruiz J.
Peptidos bioactivos de Phaseolus vulgaris L. endurecido: Actividad antihipertensiva y antioxidante de fracciones peptidicas obtenidas de frijol endurecido (Spanish Edition)
Tal como ha ocurrido en el resto del mundo la industrializacion, la urbanizacion y la globalizacion de los mercados, han tenido un gran impacto en el estilo de vida y en los patrones alimenticios de los consumidores de los paises Latinoamericanos; en anos recientes la desnutricion ha disminuido en areas urbanas pero se ha incrementado la adopcion d...
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Digitalizacion y Convergencia Global (Spanish Edition) (Volume 1) Flores M. Martinez E. Ruiz J. Santoyo A.
Digitalizacion y Convergencia Global (Spanish Edition) (Volume 1)
Digitalizacion y Convergencia Global es un libro cuyo objetivo es dar a conocer al publico en general la vision de los autores sobre las implicaciones del fenomeno de Convergencia, en particular las de la Convergencia Digital....
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Information Technology Convergence, Innovation Management and Firm Performance Ruiz J.
Information Technology Convergence, Innovation Management and Firm Performance
This was a Strategic Management research study of the Technological-Innovation differences involving Corporate Leaders and Information Technology Managers in high tech clusters in the cross-border region (San Diego, CA., U.S.A. - Baja California, Mexico)....
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Libro de buen amor Ruiz J.
Libro de buen amor
For lovers of timeless classics, this series of beautifully packaged and affordably priced editions of world literature encompasses a variety of literary genres, including theater, novels, poems, and essays....
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