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Research N.

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The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity. Economic and Social Factors Research N.
The Rate and Direction of Inventive Activity. Economic and Social Factors
The papers here range from description and analysis of how our political economy allocates its inventive effort, to studies of the decision making process in specific industrial laboratories.Originally published in 1962....
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An Appraisal of the 1950 Census Income Data, Volume 23. Studies in Income and Wealth Research N.
An Appraisal of the 1950 Census Income Data, Volume 23. Studies in Income and Wealth
This volume, from the 1956 Conference, deals with the nature, reliability, and the uses of the income data included in the 1950 census. It contrasts this data with income information from other sources-field surveys, and administrative records of government regulatory, fiscal, and social security agencies....
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Role of Direct and Indirect Taxes in the Federal Reserve System. A Conference Report of the NBER and the Brookings Institution Research N.
Role of Direct and Indirect Taxes in the Federal Reserve System. A Conference Report of the NBER and the Brookings Institution
This conference volume deals with the question of what the economic impact of a shift in federal taxation toward greater use of indirect taxes would be with respect to the rate of saving and investment, personal effort, the balance of payments, and the efficiency of resource use....
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Long-Range Economic Projection, Volume 16. Studies in Income and Wealth Research N.
Long-Range Economic Projection, Volume 16. Studies in Income and Wealth
Few functions of economics are more important, few more difficult, than that of indicating what the relatively distant future will bring in the way of employment, investment, production, etc....
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Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences Research N. Sciences C.
Research at the Intersection of the Physical and Life Sciences
Traditionally, the natural sciences have been divided into two branches: the biological sciences and the physical sciences. Today, an increasing number of scientists are addressing problems lying at the intersection of the two....
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Spectrum Management for Science in the 21st Century Frequencies C. Research N. Spectrum C.
Spectrum Management for Science in the 21st Century
Radio observations of the cosmos are gathered by geoscientists using complex earth-orbiting satellites and ground-based equipment, and by radio astronomers using large ground-based radio telescopes. Signals from natural radio emissions are extremely weak, and the equipment used to measure them is becoming ever-more sophisticated and sensitive....
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Transitions to Alternative Transportation Technologies--Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Research N. Technologies C.
Transitions to Alternative Transportation Technologies--Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
For multi-user PDF licensing, please contact customer service. The nation has compelling reasons to reduce its consumption of oil and emissions of carbon dioxide....
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Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries (Nber Comparative Labor Markets Series) Blanchflower D. Freeman R. Research N.
Youth Employment and Joblessness in Advanced Countries (Nber Comparative Labor Markets Series)
The economic status of young people has declined significantly over the past two decades, despite a variety of programs designed to aid new workers in the transition from the classroom to the job market. This ongoing problem has proved difficult to explain....
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Growth and Productivity in East Asia (N B E R-EAST ASIA SEMINAR ON ECONOMICS) Ito T. Melbourne V. Research N. Rose A.
Growth and Productivity in East Asia (N B E R-EAST ASIA SEMINAR ON ECONOMICS)
Considering the examples of Australia and the Pacific Rim, Growth and Productivity in East Asia offers a contemporary explanation for national productivity that measures contributions not only from capital and labor, but also from economic activities and relevant changes in policy, education, and technology. Takatoshi Ito and Andrew K....
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Regionalism Versus Multilateral Trade Arrangements (Nber-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Vol 6) Ito T. Krueger A. Research N. Seoul K.
Regionalism Versus Multilateral Trade Arrangements (Nber-East Asia Seminar on Economics, Vol 6)
There is no doubt that the open multilateral trading system after World War II was a key ingredient in the rapid economic development of the entire world. Especially in Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, exports increased dramatically both in absolute terms and as a percentage of GNP....
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The Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Promotion Policies (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report) Feenstra R. Research N.
The Effects of U.S. Trade Protection and Promotion Policies (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)
Economists disagree on whether recent U.S. trade policies are harmful or helpful, but they all agree that there is a new trend toward focusing on results-oriented policies in specific markets and with particular trading partners. These twelve essaysby leading international economists explore crucial issues in U.S. trade policy today....
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The Television Industry: A Market by Market Review Planning P. Research N.
The Television Industry: A Market by Market Review
This one-of-a-kind analysis provides up-to-date information that will help you spot industry trends, compare market performance and social demographics, identify investment opportunities and apply valuable revenue projections on a DMA basis for all 211 markets. This resource includes: Actual television market revenue....
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1999 Television Financial Report Broadcasters N. Ottina T. Planning N. Planning P. Research N.
1999 Television Financial Report
This annual report is the perfect planning tool for your television station. Using survey data from nearly 850 commercial television stations, this comprehensive report provides 1998 average station revenue, expenses and profit, categorized by DMA market, affiliate type and revenue size groupings....
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