Информация об авторе

Gourieroux C.

Библиография книг автора

Time Series and Dynamic Models (Themes in Modern Econometrics) Gallo G. Gourieroux C. Monfort A.
Time Series and Dynamic Models (Themes in Modern Econometrics)
Concisely written and up-to-date, this book provides a unified and comprehensive analysis of the full range of topics that comprise modern time series econometrics. While it does demand a good quantitative grounding, it does not require a high mathematical rigor or a deep knowledge of economics....
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Statistics and Econometric Models Gourieroux C. Monfort A. Vuong Q.
Statistics and Econometric Models
This two-volume set aims to present as completely as possible the methods of statistical inference with special reference to their economic applications....
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Time Series and Dynamic Models (Themes in Modern Econometrics) Gallo G. Gourieroux C. Monfort A.
Time Series and Dynamic Models (Themes in Modern Econometrics)
Concisely written and up-to-date, this book provides a unified and comprehensive analysis of the full range of topics that comprise modern time series econometrics. While it does demand a good quantitative grounding, it does not require a high mathematical rigor or a deep knowledge of economics....
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