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Spitz B.

Библиография книг автора

The Beatle Invasion!: The inside story of the two-week tour that rocked America Spitz B.
The Beatle Invasion!: The inside story of the two-week tour that rocked America
The Beatles\' first excursion to the United States, from February 7 to February 21, 1964, was an epochal moment in American culture. It was a musical earthquake that defined music going forward and a cultural youth quake that defined generations to come....
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The Beatles: The Biography Spitz B.
The Beatles: The Biography
As soon as The Beatles became famous, the spin machine began to construct a myth - one that has continued to this day. But the truth is much more interesting, much more exciting, and much more moving. In this bestselling book, Bob Spitz has written the biography for which Beatles fans have long waited....
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Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: The Beatles, Beatlemania, and the Music That Changed the World Spitz B.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!: The Beatles, Beatlemania, and the Music That Changed the World
It starts in the housing projects and school playgrounds of Liverpool, where four boys would discover themselves - and a new form of music called rock\'n roll....
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