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Ahmed K.

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Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems. A Practical Approach Ahmed K.
Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems. A Practical Approach
Digital Design of Signal Processing Systems discusses a spectrum of architectures and methods for effective implementation of algorithms in hardware (HW)....
16372.04 руб.
Tables d.offrandes. 47 Ahmed K.
Tables d.offrandes. 47
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Heavenly Ripples Ahmed K.
Heavenly Ripples
What Albert Einstein had suspected was confirmed in 2015the gravitational ripples are a reality, indicating thereby that space materially exists. There was a news that two boys kidnapped a sixteen-year-old girl, stripped her naked, took her pictures, and as they were going to rape her, suddenly, the earth terrifyingly shuddered....
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Intelligent GIS-based Decision Support System for Bus Routing Problem AbdAllah A. Ahmed K.
Intelligent GIS-based Decision Support System for Bus Routing Problem
The school bus routing problem (SBRP) is a central issue in transportation planning and optimization systems. SBRP seeks to plan an efficient schedule for a fleet of school buses where each bus picks up students from various bus stops and delivers them to their designated schools while satisfying various constraints such as the bus capacity....
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The Language of Banking and Finance in Arabic Ahmed K.
The Language of Banking and Finance in Arabic
The rising role of banks and financial institutions in the Arab world and the world at large has made it necessary to consider the characteristics of the language used in the field of banking and finance....
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Seed Production Of Okra Variety As Influenced By Different NP Levels Ahmed K. Sani A.
Seed Production Of Okra Variety As Influenced By Different NP Levels
Studies on okra mostly emphasized the development in its pod production as vegetable and rarely on its seed production. In our country, okra is mostly not cultivated particularly for seed production, when crop season reaches its end the remaining pods are left for seed purpose, which are mostly insect attacked with low quality seeds....
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Politeness in Requests Ahmed K.
Politeness in Requests
The present research study is anchored in the fields of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) & cross cultural studies of speech acts to investigate comparatively the pragmatic perception of politeness in ‘Request patterns’ across cultures of native English speakers (EL1s) and native Punjabi speakers learning English as second language (P-ESLs)....
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Coercive Intergovernmental Relations In A Federal Ethiopia Ahmed K.
Coercive Intergovernmental Relations In A Federal Ethiopia
Federal form of government is now becoming the finest means of dealing with diversity and particularly an instrument of circumventing or minimize conflict is post-modern politics....
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Attitude of D.Ed. Students towards Teaching - Proffession Ahmed K.
Attitude of D.Ed. Students towards Teaching - Proffession
From times immoral, east or west, north or south throughout the globe the teacher has been worshiped by the society. In ancient India he was ranked next to god. In the west he has been called the architect of nation. From very ancient times teachers have been honoured as builders of the nation....
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Morpho-physiological parameters to determine drought tolerance wheat Ahmed K.
Morpho-physiological parameters to determine drought tolerance wheat
Wheat is one of the most widely cultivated food crops and is the staple food in more than 40 countries for over 35% of the global population.For the morpho-physiological analysis seventeen parameters were study. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the genotypic difference was highly significant (p< 0.01) for all the characters....
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Alternative Development Loom by Reason of Natural Changes Ahmed K. Roy S.
Alternative Development Loom by Reason of Natural Changes
The South-West coastal zone of Bangladesh is actuated mainly by the alluvial deposit from Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghnn(GBM)river channels. The climatic conditions are naturally and mostly controlled by the river in this area. Seasonal floods, heavy rainfall, storm surge and tropical cyclones are common natural calamities in this area....
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Fatigue in rubber: State of the art Ahmed K. Hasan A.
Fatigue in rubber: State of the art
Rubber components subjected to fluctuating loads often fail due to the nucleation and growth of defects or cracks. This study review the rubber types with their properties and applications, review the analysis approaches that are currently available for predicting fatigue life in rubber....
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Floating Production Storage and Offloading Ahmed K.
Floating Production Storage and Offloading
This book presents the conceptual design of an FPSO which suits the parameters of a specific oil field. It has been divided into five sections. They are – Vessel selection, Tanker refurbishment and conversion, Topsides selection, Mooring and Hydrostatic and Stability checks. A Very Large Crude Carrier (VLCC) is proposed as the desired vessel....
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Effect of Protein Energy Ratio on African Catfish Gonadal Development Ahmed K.
Effect of Protein Energy Ratio on African Catfish Gonadal Development
Understanding of nutrition and propagation relationship is one of the key factors affecting aquaculture industry. Hence forward, traditional aquaculture approach is no longer sufficient to achieve the production goals....
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