Naik D.
Библиография книг автора
Khattree R.
Naik D.
Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS® Software
Real-world problems and data sets are the backbone of this groundbreaking book. Applied Multivariate Statistics with SAS® Software, Second Edition provides a unique approach to this topic, integrating statistical methods, data analysis, and applications....
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Khattree R.
Naik D.
Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software
Easy to read and comprehensive, this book presents descriptive multivariate (DMV) statistical methods using real-world problems and data sets. It offers a unique approach to integrating statistical methods, various kinds of advanced data analyses, and applications of the popular SAS software aids....
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Naik D.
Inside Windows Storage: Server Storage Technologies for Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 and Beyond
The Windows and enterprise storage markets are converging. Migrating upwards from low-end servers, Windows is becoming a genuine platform for running mission-critical applications. The enterprise storage market is moving from high-end servers to also include medium range servers....
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