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Fernandez L.

Библиография книг автора

Nuevo Suena 4. Libro del Profesor +2CD Alvarez J. Canales A. Fernandez L.
Nuevo Suena 4. Libro del Profesor +2CD
El Libro del Profesor es un instrumento de gran utilidad para el profesor porque explica el funcionamiento de los ejercicios, proporciona las soluciones y la transcripcion de las actividades audio y aporta sugerencias didacticas para una mejor explotacion del ejercicio: actividades de precalentamiento, de cierre, otras posibles formas de desarrolla...
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Branding Strategies after Mergers & Acquisitions Fernandez L.
Branding Strategies after Mergers & Acquisitions
The last few decades have been characterized by high levels in merger and acquisition activity, and this trend continues to be a very popular form of corporate and profitable growth. In the current context of globalization, the process becomes more complex when entering new markets....
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Apuntaciones sueltas de Inglaterra Fernandez L.
Apuntaciones sueltas de Inglaterra
Pocos seran los textos tie la literature ilustrada que, independientemente del genero al que pertenezcan о al tono que caracteriza su expresion, no se refieran a una actividad, la de viajar, que adquiere en el siglo de las luces unas proporciones у una tr...
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Practica Comprension. Escrita-intermedio Fernandez L.
Practica Comprension. Escrita-intermedio
La coleccion Practica se compone de 8 titulos, cada uno de ellos dedicado a una destreza especifica. La coleccion se divide en dos niveles (A1-A2 y A2-B1) por lo que resulta ideal para preparar de forma autonoma los examenes oficiales de espanol (DELE......
1692 руб.
Airboy and the Airfighters: Dangerous Liaisons Bullock M. DeFalco T. Dixon C. Fernandez L. Grindberg T.
Airboy and the Airfighters: Dangerous Liaisons
Airboy and his possibly sentient airplane, Birdy, put it to the Nazi\'s in these new action/adventure stories of the 1940\'s comic book heroes....
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Both Sides of the Border: Transboundary Environmental Management Issues Facing Mexico and the United States (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources, V. 2) Carson R. Fernandez L.
Both Sides of the Border: Transboundary Environmental Management Issues Facing Mexico and the United States (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources, V. 2)
This volume complements Shared Space: Rethinking the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment, edited by Lawrence Herzog and Environmental Management on North America\'s Borders, edited by Richard Kiy and John Wirth....
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Como programar videojuegos en Windows Fernandez L.
Como programar videojuegos en Windows
Programming video games can be easy. This how-to computer book with simple explanations and numerous examples teaches all the tools and necessary elements step-by step. It provides all the reference one needs to execute any and all special effects including sprites and floating space ships....
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