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Clark C.

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Prisoners of Time. Prussians, Germans and Other Humans Clark C.
Prisoners of Time. Prussians, Germans and Other Humans
Christopher Clark\"s The Sleepwalkers has become one of the most influential history books of our century: a remarkable rethinking of the origins of the First World War, which has had a huge impact on how we see both the past and the present....
2584 руб.
Revolutionary Spring. Fighting for a New World 1848-1849 Clark C.
Revolutionary Spring. Fighting for a New World 1848-1849
There can be few more exciting or frightening moments in European history than the spring of 1848. Almost as if by magic, in city after city, from Palermo to Paris to Venice, huge crowds gathered, sometimes peaceful and sometimes violent, and the political order that had held sway since the defeat of Napoleon simply collapsed....
8226 руб.
Die Wellenreiterin Clark C.
Die Wellenreiterin
1696.75 руб.
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