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Bolante A.

Библиография книг автора

Premiere Pro for Windows : Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickpro Guides) Bolante A.
Premiere Pro for Windows : Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickpro Guides)
As a video pro, you already know what Adobe has finally figured out-that these days digital video innovation stops for no one!...
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After Effects 6.5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickpro Guide) Bolante A.
After Effects 6.5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide (Visual Quickpro Guide)
Tough motion-graphics and effects production challenges require bold solutions, and Adobe\'s completely overhauled After Effects 6.0 ($699, Standard Edition; $999, Professional Edition) has a bushel of them! Here to get you up to speed on it--perhaps in time to meet your next deadline!--is everyone\'s favorite task-based guide....
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