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Pandey N.

Библиография книг автора

Comparative Efficacies Of Pentazocine, Fentanyl, Tramadol & Ketorolac Mishra A. Pandey N.
Comparative Efficacies Of Pentazocine, Fentanyl, Tramadol & Ketorolac
The problem of inadequate post operative pain relief has been recognized for many years and has been the subject of considerable research....
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Dermatoglyphics: can we print the caries risk out? Pandey N.
Dermatoglyphics: can we print the caries risk out?
The word dermatoglyphics is derived from two Greek words (derma, skin and glyphe, carve) and refers to the friction ridge formations which appear on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Dermal ridge configurations begin to develop about the 13th week of gestation....
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Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & Easy Web Development NIIT N. Pandey N.
Microsoft ASP.NET Fast & Easy Web Development
Don\'t spend your time wading through manuals to learn ASP .NET. Spend it doing what you do best--creating Web pages! Begin with an introduction to the .NET initiative, and then work your way through the concepts of ASP .NET, Visual Basic .NET, and ADO .NET. By the time you finish, you\'ll be using ASP .NET to create custom applications....
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Visual Studio.Net All in One Desk Reference for Dummies Nathan S. Pandey N.
Visual Studio.Net All in One Desk Reference for Dummies
Visual Studio .NET All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is a value-packed, easy-to-use reference that provides broad coverage of Visual Studio .NET tools, languages, and environment for experienced Visual Studio programmers and developers who want to get up to speed rapidly on this missioncritical Microsoft initiative....
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