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Fleishman G.

Библиография книг автора

The Wireless Networking Starter Kit, Second Edition Engst A. Fleishman G.
The Wireless Networking Starter Kit, Second Edition
Wireless networks are becoming commonplace, but choosing and configuring the right equipment and services for the home, small offices, and the business traveler can prove frustrating. That is where you need the wide-ranging expertise of wireless mavens Adam Engst and Glenn Fleishman....
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Real World Scanning and Halftones (3rd Edition) (REAL WORLD) Blatner D. Chavez C. Fleishman G. Roth S.
Real World Scanning and Halftones (3rd Edition) (REAL WORLD)
With the advent of desktop publishing came the democratization of graphic design. Which means that these days, with the right equipment, just about anyone can produce graphically sophisticated documents--or clumsy ill-conceived messes. To make sure you end up with the former, you need this comprehensive guide!...
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Real World Adobe GoLive 6 Carlson J. Fleishman G.
Real World Adobe GoLive 6
Navigating the intricacies of a full-featured Web site design and management tool like Adobe GoLive 6 without a roadmap can leave even an advanced designer in the dark. That\'s why you need Real World GoLive 6....
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