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Luck M.

Библиография книг автора

Summer Stakeout Luck M.
Summer Stakeout
What would you do if you found out that your next-door neighbor carried a gun? Chelsea thinks she can’t tell anybody because of a false 9-1-1 call that she made a month ago. But things get more complicated after she and her new friend TD learn about a young boy’s kidnapping and then see a strange boy at that same neighbor’s house!...
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Hormones Luck M.
Hormones play an integral part in the balance and workings of the body. While many people are broadly aware of their existence, there are many misconceptions and few are aware of the nature and importance of the endocrine system. In this Very Short......
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Agent-Based Software Development (Agent-Oriented Systems) Luck M.
Agent-Based Software Development (Agent-Oriented Systems)
Book DescriptionThis unique new reference offers you the most thorough and comprehensive explanation of the methods, tools, standards and techniques used to develop software using the agent-oriented approach....
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Understanding Agent Systems (Springer Series on Agent Technology) D`Inverno M. Luck M.
Understanding Agent Systems (Springer Series on Agent Technology)
This book presents a formal approach to dealing with agents and agent systems. The Z specification language is used to establish an accessible and unified formal account of agent systems and inter-agent relationships....
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