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Kraus S.

Библиография книг автора

The New Elite: Inside the Minds of the Truly Wealthy Harrison D. Kraus S. Taylor J.
The New Elite: Inside the Minds of the Truly Wealthy
We are all fascinated by them—that enigmatic class of peo­ple often referred to as the rich. With all the emphasis on the rich and famous in America, we would think we know everything about them. In reality, very few of us truly understand those who e up the very wealthiest Americans—those with liquid assets of $5 million or more....
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Heterogeneous Agent Systems Bonatti P. Dix J. Eiter T. Kraus S. Ozcan F. Ross R. Subrahmanian V.
Heterogeneous Agent Systems
Software agents are the latest advance in the trend toward smaller, modular pieces of code, where each module performs a well-defined, focused task or set of tasks. Programmed to interact with and provide services to other agents, including humans, software agents act autonomously with prescribed backgrounds, beliefs, and operations....
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