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Vardi M.

Библиография книг автора

La nuit blanche de Zoe Vardi M.
La nuit blanche de Zoe
Zoe et son cousin Remi sont aux sports d\'hiver. Zoe est en haut de la piste verte. On ne la voit presque pas. Tous ses vetements sont blancs. Des vetements blancs a la montagne, c\'est dangeureux. Pour Lire en francais facile, le Club des jeunes lecteurs....
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Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2002 Peled D. Vardi M.
Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2002
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, FORTE 2002, held in Houston, Texas, USA in November 2002. The 22 revised full papers, 2 tool papers, and 2 posters presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 61 submissions....
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Reasoning About Knowledge Fagin R. Halpern J. Moses Y. Vardi M.
Reasoning About Knowledge
Reasoning about knowledge--particularly the knowledge of agents who reason about the world and each other\'s knowledge--was once the exclusive province of philosophers and puzzle solvers....
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Reasoning About Knowledge Fagin R. Halpern J. Moses Y. Vardi M.
Reasoning About Knowledge
Reasoning about knowledge -- particularly the knowledge of agents who reason about the world and each other\'s knowledge -- was once the exclusive province of philosophers and puzzle solvers....
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