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Singh M.

Библиография книг автора

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Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning. Why Recognition Matters Singh M.
Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning. Why Recognition Matters
Книга "Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learning. Why Recognition Matters". ...
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Introduction to Distillation in Chemical Engineering Singh M.
Introduction to Distillation in Chemical Engineering
This book investigates the effect of tray spacing on the dimensions, head losses and flooding tendencies in a sieve - tray distillation column. The system under consideration was chosen to be a 50:50 mole % mixture of methanol and water at its boiling point. The saturated liquid feed is separated into products streams of 99.5 mole % purity....
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Supracrustal Rocks of Bundelkhand Massif, India Singh M.
Supracrustal Rocks of Bundelkhand Massif, India
The Bundelkhand massif represents one of the oldest nuclei of the northern part of the Indian Peninsula, which comprises extensive outcrop of gneisses and granitoids in association with meta-sedimentaries and meta-volcanics of older supracrustal mass. High-grade metamorphic rocks viz....
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Parents` experiences of Professionals in Rehabilitation Process Singh M.
Parents` experiences of Professionals in Rehabilitation Process
This book talks about the different problems faced by the parents of children with Cerebral Palsy like severe disability during their rehabilitation where many professionals are involved in the process....
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Dynamics of Health Status among Mumbai Slum Dwellers Singh M.
Dynamics of Health Status among Mumbai Slum Dwellers
Mumbai, like any other metropolis has been attracting a large number of migrants from different parts of the country. Presumably a significant proportion of these migrants are drawn from the lower socio-economic strata of the society....
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Status of Union Carbide India Ltd Bhopal after 27 years of Gas tragedy Dangi C. Singh M.
Status of Union Carbide India Ltd Bhopal after 27 years of Gas tragedy
This book is a compilation of the tragic events of the horrific night of December 2-3, 1984 when a highly poisonous gas Methyl iso-cyanide (MIC) was leaked from a pesticide manufacturing plant of Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL), Bhopal....
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A Study Of Media Impact On Judiciary Singh M.
A Study Of Media Impact On Judiciary
The book is based on the interaction of media and judiciary. Media on one hand act as watch dog of the society and one of its main functions is the surveillance of the society.Judiciary on the other hand punishes misdeeds of people, protects the rights of people and work against any autocracy....
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Colonialism and Agriculture Singh M.
Colonialism and Agriculture
The book is an attempt to view of agriculture in the South-East part of the Punjab Province during the Colonial Rule and identify the broad trends in agriculture.This area had a distinct identity as a sub-region and being predominated by agriculture and has been seen as ‘backward’ in comparison to the rest of the Punjab Province....
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Introducing and Reviewing Preterm delivery and Low birth weight Singh M.
Introducing and Reviewing Preterm delivery and Low birth weight
Pregnancy is an event that changes many perspectives of women\"s life. It is regarded as a time of psychological and biological crisis and emotional upheaval. Since, about 90% of all women become pregnant at least once in their lives, it seems highly relevant to investigate psychological changes during pregnancy....
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Understanding Adolescence Singh M.
Understanding Adolescence
Biological, Psycho-Social and Cognitive approaches try to understand the adolescence. Patterns and courses of development are discovered and studied from the scientific viewpoints to solve the crisis and help in enhancement of development....
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An Empirical Comparison of Competitive State Anxiety (CSA) in Sports Singh B. Singh M.
An Empirical Comparison of Competitive State Anxiety (CSA) in Sports
Performance based on open skills may be more influenced by anxiety and self-confidence than performance based on closed skills. An open skill can involve either an individual or team sport with the athlete per- forming in an interactive and ever-changing environment (basketball, tennis)....
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Stress, personality factors and mental health among police personnel Singh M.
Stress, personality factors and mental health among police personnel
Police function for enforcing law and maintaining order, ensuring life and property for citizens of the country and controlling crime and violence, which is linked to social service in modern democratic world. This entire responsibility mount on them heavy stress....
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Consumer Awareness among Tribal Youth in NE India: Focus on Mizoram Singh M.
Consumer Awareness among Tribal Youth in NE India: Focus on Mizoram
A person who buys any commodity for a consideration which has been paid or promised or partly paid and partly promised or under any system of deferred payment is a consumer. The present study focus on young consumers (15-24 years)....
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Contribution of Farming on Rural Livelihood in Nepal Singh M.
Contribution of Farming on Rural Livelihood in Nepal
The main objective of the study is to assess the contribution of dairy farming on rural livelihood. In Nepalese context, dairy farming is one of the most appropriate and viable alternatives, which can provide food in terms of milk and meat, income earning and energy generation in terms of biogas at the household level....
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Error of Spellings in Dyslexics: A Case Study Singh M.
Error of Spellings in Dyslexics: A Case Study
The present study starts with an introduction to the learning disability dyslexia. It starts with some discussion on the writing disorder and other problems associated with it along with the literature review on dyslexia....
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