Schafer S.
Библиография книг автора
Schafer S.
Antikorruptions-Compliance |
18999.47 руб. |
Schafer S.
Children in Moral Danger and the Problem of Government in Third Republic France
By exploring how children and their families became unprecedented objects of governmental policy in the early decades of France's Third Republic, Sylvia Schafer offers a fresh perspective on the self-fashioning of a new governmental order....
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Kilimann A.
Papendieck K.
Schafer S.
Schafer T.
Passwort Deutsch 3bg. 1, Uebungsbuch
Das Ubungsbuch (184 Seiten) bietet viel Material fur das selbststandige Uben zu Hause und im Kurs: - 10 Lektionen a 16 Seiten mit klarem Kursbuchbezug - umfangreiches und vielfaltiges Ubungsangebot - Wortschatz- und Grammatiktraining, Ubungen zum Lesen und Schreiben - zur Festigung, Erweiterung und Differenzierung des im Kurs Erlernten so...
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Schafer S.
Web Standards Programmer's Reference : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and PHP
Book Description This invaluable resource offers tutorials and real-world examples as well as thorough language references for Web markup languages (HTML/XHTML and CSS), and popular scripting languages (JavaScript, Perl, and PHP) Examines the role of JavaScript, CGI (with examples in Perl and Python), and PHP on the Web and shows how to best use th...
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Schafer S.
Apache, MySQL, and PHP Weekend Crash Course (Weekend Crash Course)
Get up to speed on Apache, MySQL, and PHP ? in a weekend! The big day is Monday. The day you get to show off what you know about Apache Web server, MySQL database, and PHP scripting. The problem is, you\'re not really up to speed. Maybe it\'s been a while since you installed all three of these technologies....
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