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Shah N.

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Kololo Hill Shah N.
Kololo Hill
From the green hilltops of Kampala, to the terraced houses of London, Neema Shah\"s extraordinarily moving debut Kololo Hill explores what it means to leave your home behind, what it takes to start again, and the lengths some will go to protect their loved ones. When you\"re left with nothing but your secrets, how do you start again?...
3342 руб.
Kololo Hill Shah N.
Kololo Hill
Uganda 1972 A devastating decree is issued: all Ugandan Asians must leave the country in ninety days. They must take only what they can carry, give up their money and never return. For Asha and Pran, married a matter of months, it means abandoning the family business that Pran has worked so hard to save....
2004 руб.
Changing role of women in Pakistan Shah N.
Changing role of women in Pakistan
The role of women in Pakistan is changing with the time .Contribution of women to the development of Pakistan’s is inevitable but unrecognized .Especially in informal sector women’s productive activities are still invisible. Self –employed women are an integral part of the economic sector but are facing various problems....
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Decentralization: Citizen Community Boards Ahmad M. Shah N.
Decentralization: Citizen Community Boards
Centralized governments all over the word are decentralizing fiscal, political and administrative responsibilities to lower-level government and private sector. Political pressure probably drives most of the decentralization efforts....
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Study of medication errors in Western population of India Shah N.
Study of medication errors in Western population of India
Medication use is a complex process in a medical setting & Medication errors (ME) are a significant issues affecting patient safety & lead to dangerous consequences for them. Its root cause analysis (RCA) can help healthcare professionals regarding causative factors of ME....
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Pharmacological Screening of Tephrosia purpurea root Shah N. Shah R.
Pharmacological Screening of Tephrosia purpurea root
The reason of inclination of the researchers towards the herbal system for the treatment of many ailments is the high cost involved with manufacturing the modern medicines. This research work has also been designed on the same philosophy by selecting the most commonly available herb for pharmacological screening i.e....
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Analyzing Inventory Policies Under Progressive Payment Scenario Shah N.
Analyzing Inventory Policies Under Progressive Payment Scenario
This monograph presents the realistic situation prevailing in market of progressive payment scenario. The theoretical inventory models are developed using mathematical tools and analyzed using mathematical software Maple 10. The managerial insights are discussed in each chapter....
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Corporate Entrepreneurship, Agency Cost and Firm Performance Shah N.
Corporate Entrepreneurship, Agency Cost and Firm Performance
The study aims to bridge the gap in literature by establishing the connection between corporate entrepreneurship and agency cost....
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Polymers in Modified Drug Delivery Systems Mehta R. Shah N.
Polymers in Modified Drug Delivery Systems
An ideal drug delivery system should deliver precise amounts of a drug at a preprogrammed rate to achieve a drug level necessary for treatment of the disease....
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Sustainable Building Technology Puthawala S. Shah N.
Sustainable Building Technology
Liberalization and globalization has increased the pace of development, especially in developing countries like India, resulting into rapid consumption of energy .The construction sector accounts for the major use of energy....
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Storage of Mango treated with Calcium chloride Shah N.
Storage of Mango treated with Calcium chloride
This experiment consists of three factors viz., two levels of maturity indices i.e. M1 and M2, three levels of chemical treatments i.e. R1, R2 and R3 and two levels of storage temperatures i.e. T1 and T2. In general, the fruits treated with 6% CaCl2....
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Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc on Seedling Growth of Pecan Nut KHAN l. Shah N.
Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc on Seedling Growth of Pecan Nut
Pecan nut is one of the most recently introduced fruit tree in Pakistan. It is an excellent alternative of walnut. As walnut required chilling temperature for its bearing. But its cultivation is impossible in low altitude area of the country. It can be grown in high as well as low altitude areas of our country....
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Dielectric Behavior in Nanostructured YCMO Compounds Shah N.
Dielectric Behavior in Nanostructured YCMO Compounds
Manganese based multiferroics, such as BiMnO3, YMnO3, HoMnO3, TbMnO3, etc, have received an attention due to fundamental physics underlying and their potential for various spintronic application such in READ and WRITE heads, field and temperature sensors, spin valves, spin filters, tunnel junctions, p-n junction diodes, non-volatile random access m...
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Quality Controll Of Cloth Shah N.
Quality Controll Of Cloth
A real-time system for defect detection and classification of web textile fabric is presented in this paper. Product inspection is an important aspect of modern industrial manufacturing. Compare every frame with the standard image. Compare it pixel by pixel. We are doing it in spatial domain....
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Data Mining Concept Animation Library Shah N.
Data Mining Concept Animation Library
Data mining is the automated extraction of hidden predictive information from large data sets. To study new algorithms or compare different algorithms, we need a better perspective on a collection of data mining algorithms rather than just their formal definitions....
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