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Forde C.

Библиография книг автора

Social Work and Community Development Forde C. Lynch D.
Social Work and Community Development
At a time of growing social, economic and environmental challenge, this book offers a fresh and engaging perspective on the connections between social work and community development and on how social workers can use a community development approach to practice in critical, creative and sustainable ways....
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The Bus Leagues Experience: Volume 3: From the writers of Busleaguesbaseball.com Angevine E. Fee C. Forde C. Gengler K. Grauer S. J J. Lortz M. Moynahan B.
The Bus Leagues Experience: Volume 3: From the writers of Busleaguesbaseball.com
\"The Bus Leagues Experience: Volume 3\" is the third compilation of interviews conducted by the writers of busleaguesbaseball.com. While the focus is primarily on Minor League Baseball players, there are also in-depth conversations with independent players, managers, writers, team executives, fans, and broadcasters....
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Integrated Applications: Microsoft Office for Windows 3.1/95 Duncan C. Forde C. Vanhuss S. Woo D.
Integrated Applications: Microsoft Office for Windows 3.1/95
Coming Spring T97! Industry doesn\'t separate keyboarding, word processing, and other software applications and neither does College Keyboarding. Instead, we blend these tools so students learn to work efficiently. This text supports both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 ....
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Business Applications with Microsoft Word: Advanced Document Processing Forde C. Huss S. Huss S. Woo D.
Business Applications with Microsoft Word: Advanced Document Processing
Business Applications with Microsoft Word takes document processing out of the classroom and into the workplace. A simulated company serves as the overall structure for this one of a kind text....
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