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Heslop B.

Библиография книг автора

Word 97 Bible (Bible) Angell D. Heslop B.
Word 97 Bible (Bible)
When Microsoft comes out with a new version of any of its popular software titles, you can be certain there\'ll be no lack of fancy new features. Word 97 is no exception. And there\'s no better way to get up to speed on the latest release of the world\'s most popular word processing program than with Word 97 Bible ....
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Microsoft® Word 2000 Bible Angell D. Heslop B.
Microsoft® Word 2000 Bible
Learn at your own pace how to create entire documents fully illustrated with tables, animations, and even direct links to Web pages. Or dive right into the latest Web capabilities of Word 2000. No question is too small or too big, too old or too new for The Microsoft Word 2000 Bible ....
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Word 2003 Bible Angell D. Heslop B. Kent P.
Word 2003 Bible
Includes the latest information on security problems in Word and how to prevent them. * Offers tips for formatting for black and white versus color printers * Explains when to use Word for publishing to the Web and when to depend on FrontPage....
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