Gookin D.
Библиография книг автора
Gookin D.
Android Phones For Dummies
Learn to: Set up, configure, get connected, and start enjoying your Android phone Shoot photos and video, play games, and listen to music Keep in touch using email, texts, and social media Don???t let that amazing Android intimidate you! Here??...
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Gookin D.
Amazon Fire Phone For Dummies
Learn to: Customize your Amazon Fire phone Command your phone with ease using Dynamic Perspective Discover media and objects with Firefly recognition software The fast and easy way to blaze through your Fire phone like a pro The long??“awaited...
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Gookin D.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 For Dummies
Learn to: Text, browse the Web, and unlock your smartphone s capabilities Set up online accounts and stay in touch with social media Connect your device to a computer and use Wi??“Fi networking and Bluetooth peripherals The easy way to get th...
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Gookin D.
Laptops For Dummies
Learn to: Use the newest features of Windows® 10 Connect to the Internet and browse safely anywhere Sync your files with other devices using wireless networking Secure your laptop and extend its battery life Get the scoop on laptops and t...
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Gookin D.
Android Tablets For Dummies
Learn to: Set up your tablet, configure the Home screen, and get connected Surf the web, use email, text and video chat, and use social media to keep in touch with friends and family Have fun with photos, videos, games, eBooks, music, movies, and...
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Gookin D.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S For Dummies
Learn to: Set up your Galaxy Tab S, configure the Home screen, and get connected Browse the internet, use email, text and video chat, and keep in touch using social media Shop for apps, books, music, games, movies, and more Get up to speed in a...
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Gookin D.
Android Tablets For Dummies
Learn to: Set up your tablet, configure the Home screen, and getconnected Surf the web, use e??“mail, text and video chat, and keep intouch with social media Have fun with photos, video, games, e...
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Gookin D.
Word 2016 For Dummies
Learn to: Create, customize, edit, and publish documents Share documents and collaborate with other users Take advantage of the latest features in Word The bestselling beginner???s guide to Microsoft Word Get up to speed on Word 2016 quickly a...
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Gookin D.
Samsung Galaxy Tab For Dummies
Full-color guide to Samsung\'s exciting new tablet device!The Samsung Galaxy Tab puts a universe of technology right in your hands. And, if you\'ve got a Samsung Galaxy Tab, you\'ve got a handful of cool features to explore. This \"For Dummies\" guide shows you how to take full advantage of all this exciting new technology....
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Gookin D.
C All–in–One Desk Reference For Dummies
Covers everything users need to get up to speed on C programming, including advanced topics to take their programming skill to the next levelWalks C programmers through the entire development cycle of a C program-designing and developing the program, writing source code, compiling the code, linking the code to create the executable programs, debugg...
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Gookin D.
PCs Para Dummies (Pcs Para Dummies)
A?Entre a la generaciA?n de las PC de forma divertida y sencilla! Instale su PC, ingrese en lAnea, conecte los perifA©ricos y comience a trabajar o a jugar A?No inicie su relaciA?n con la PC hasta que lea este libro!A EstA?A lleno de todos los detalles que usted necesita y sin lenguaje tA©cnico. La informaciA?...
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Gookin D.
DOS For Dummies®
\"This is the best book ever written for a beginner.\" Chicago Tribune Run DOS applications on your Windows PC Your first aid kit for dealing with DOS The fun and easy way to access legacy files and applications Before Windows, there was DOS....
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Gookin D.
DOS for Dummies
Windows may rule the world of popular computing on PCs around the globe, but DOS still has a place in the hearts and minds of computer users who vaguely remember what a C prompt looks like....
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Gookin D.
Dan Gookin's Naked Windows XP
-Finally! A book for computer-savvy users who want the straight scoop and want to learn the fastest way to do things. -Well-known author, Dan Gookin faces tough issues head-on, poses uppity questions few dare to ask, and isn?t the least bit shy when it comes to sharing funny, razor-sharp opinions....
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Gookin D.
Word 2002 Para Dummies, Spanish Edition
Escribir en una computadora ya no es cosa de otro mundo. De hecho, ahora es la maquina de escribir la que se ve complicada. Es muy probable que si va a escribir algo, utilizara una computadora con software procesador de palabras y probablementeuna PC con algunas variaciones de Windows y Microsoft Word para ayudarle....
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