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Pohl F.

Библиография книг автора

Gateway Pohl F.
Wealth ... or death. Those were the choices Gateway offered. Humans had discovered this artificial spaceport, full of working interstellar ships left behind by the mysterious, vanished Heechee. Their destinations are preprogrammed. They are easy to operate, but impossible to control....
1806 руб.
El Encuentro Pohl F.
El Encuentro
La amenaza de la destruccion perseguia a los Heechee cuando decidieron desaparacer para proteger su civilizacion. Durante mas de quinientos mil anos han permanecido ocultos en los agujeros negros del universo sin que nadie sospechara de su existencia....
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Gateway Pohl F. Фредерик П.
Gateway opened on all the wealth of the Universe... and on reaches of unimaginable horror. When prospector Robinette Broadhead went out to Gateway on the Heechee spacecraft, he decided he would know which was the right mission to make him his fortune....
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Gateway Pohl F.
Wealth... or death. Those were the choices Gateway offered. Humans had discovered this artificial spaceport, full of working interstellar ships left behind by the mysterious, vanished Heechee. Their destinations are preprogrammed. They are easy to......
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Tunnel Under The World Pohl F.
Tunnel Under The World
On the morning of June 15th, Guy Burckhardt woke up screaming. He sat up convulsively and stared, not believing. This is the way this book starts out and only gets stranger. What you learn at the end of the book will BLOW your mind!!!...
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The Last Theorem Clarke A. Pohl F.
The Last Theorem
Grand Masters Pohl and the late Clarke collaborated on a can\'t-put-down adventure that focuses on their mutual strengths: high adventure, fun characters and hard science. Sometime in the near future, teenage Sri Lankan math prodigy Ranjit Subramanian manages to reconstruct and then publish Fermat\'s claimed proof of his famous last theorem....
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Man Plus Pohl F.
Man Plus
The award-winning account of a man changed beyond all recognition so that he can be part of a bold experiment to live on Mars Ill luck made Roger Torraway the subject of the Man Plus Programme, but it was deliberate biological engineering which turned......
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