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Lermontov M.

Библиография книг автора

El héroe de nuestro tiempo Lermontov M.
El héroe de nuestro tiempo
A pesar de su prematura muerte en un duelo rodeado de circunstancias poco claras, igual que el que acabó con su coetáneo Pushkin, MIJAÍL LÉRMONTOV (1814-1841) es considerado como una de las figuras señeras......
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A Hero Of Our Time Lermontov M.
A Hero Of Our Time
On his travels through the wild mountainous terrain of the Caucasus, the narrator of A Hero of Our Time chances upon the veteran soldier and storyteller Maxim Maximych, who relates to him the dubious exploits of his former comrade Pechorin. Engaging......
1947 руб.
A Hero of our time (translated by Nabokov) with notes Lermontov M.
A Hero of our time (translated by Nabokov) with notes
The first major Russian novel, A Hero of Our Time was both lauded and reviled upon publication. Its dissipated hero, twenty-five-year-old Pechorin, is a beautiful and magnetic but nihilistic young army officer, bored by life and indifferent to his many sexual conquests....
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Un eroe del nostro tempo: E altre prose Lermontov M.
Un eroe del nostro tempo: E altre prose
Lermontov compone il suo romanzo come un mosaico, attraverso il racconto di momenti о vicende illuminanti della vita del suo \"eroe\", riferiti da tre diverse figure di narratori: uno scrittore in viaggio, un capitano e il protagonista stesso....
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Un eroe del nostro tempo e altre prose Lermontov M.
Un eroe del nostro tempo e altre prose
Lermontov compone il suo romanzo come un mosaico, attraverso il racconto di momenti о vicende illuminanti della vita del suo \"eroe\", riferiti da tre diverse figure di narratori: uno scrittore in viaggio, un capitano e il protagonista stesso....
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A Hero of Our Time Lermontov M.
A Hero of Our Time
\"After all that - how, you might wonder, could one not become a fatalist?\" Lermontov\"s hero, Pechorin, is a young army officer posted to the Caucasus, where his adventures - amorous and reckless - do nothing to alleviate his boredom and......
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A Hero of Our Time Lermontov M.
A Hero of Our Time
Despite his obvious talents and natural abilities, Pechorin is restless and bored. Travelling from the civilised world of society drawing rooms, to the wilds of the Southern Caucasus, he embarks upon a quest for motivation and stimulation. But rather......
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Hero of Our Time Lermontov M.
Hero of Our Time
This mosaic of tales featuring a Byronic officer is the first major prose novel in Russian literature. Set in the rugged Caucasus, Lermontov\'s 1840 psychological masterwork follows the cynical Pechorin as he charges through an exotic land of......
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A hero of our time Lermontov M.
A hero of our time
\"Of lasting appeal to readers of all countries and centuries.\"—Vladimir Nabokov Russian literature\'s first major prose novel, this gripping work was a primary influence on Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, and other great nineteenth-century writers....
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A Hero of Our Time Lermontov M.
A Hero of Our Time
A masterpiece of Russian prose, Lermontov\"s only novel was influential for many later nineteenth-century authors, including Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Chekhov. Lermontov\"s hero, Pechorin, is a dangerous man, Byronic in his wasted gifts and his......
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La princesse Ligovskoi Lermontov M.
La princesse Ligovskoi
Georges et Vierotchka se sont aimes, puis se sont perdus de vue. Lorsqu\"ils se retrouvent quelques annees plus tard, a Saint-Petersbourg, il est devenu un jeune officier de la Garde, cynique et un peu cruel; elle est mariee avec le vieux Prince Ligovskoi. Bien sur, leurs sentiments ne tar-dent pas a renaitre....
374 руб.
Un Heros de Notre Temps (Bilingue, Francais-Russe) Lermontov M.
Un Heros de Notre Temps (Bilingue, Francais-Russe)
Ce roman se deroule entre 1827 et 1833, au bord de la mer Noire (peninsule de Taman) et dans le Caucase (les villes d\'eau de Piatigorsk et Kislovodsk. Il est compose de quatre \"nouvelles\", qui ont pour principal protagoniste un jeune homme desabuse, Pietchorine....
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