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Pelevin V.

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S.N.U.F.F. Pelevin V.
Damilola Karpov is a pilot. Living in Byzantium, a huge sky city floating above the land of Urkaine, he makes his living as a drone pilot - capable of being a cameraman who records the events unfolding in Urkaine or, with the weapons aboard his drone, of making a newsworthy event happen for his employers: \"Big Byz Media\"....
3669 руб.
Empire V. The Prince of Hamlet Pelevin V.
Empire V. The Prince of Hamlet
Empire V is a post-modern, timely, whimsical and satirical story about a young man who involuntary joins a revolutionary cult . . . Roman thought he\"d found the perfect opportunity to rebel. He may have been wrong....
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The Yellow Arrow Pelevin V.
The Yellow Arrow
A Russian train which makes no stops, the Yellow Arrow has no end and no beginning, and its destination is a ruined bridge. Andrei, less and less lulled by the never-ending hum of the wheels, begins to look for a way to escape. But life in the carriages goes on as always....
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Omon Ra Pelevin V.
Omon Ra
Victor Pelevin\'s novel Omon Ra has been widely praised for its poetry and its wickedness, a novel in line with the great works of Gogol and Bulgakov: \"full of the ridiculous and the sublime,\" says The Observer [London]. Omon is chosen to be trained in the Soviet space program the fulfillment of his lifelong dream....
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The Sacred Book of the Werewolf Pelevin V.
The Sacred Book of the Werewolf
High class Moscow hooker A. Huli is foxy in more ways than one... And when a client goes inexplicably and fatally berserk at the sight of her in his luxury suite she has to employ all of her cunning to escape. But it\'s not until she places an ad......
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Babylon Pelevin V.
Translated from the Russian, this razor-sharp satire on consumer culture, Russian style, follows the irresistible rise of a Moscow advertising copywriter, who specialises in adjusting Western adverts to the Eastern mentality and selling Pepsi,......
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Omon Ra Pelevin V.
Omon Ra
Victor Pelevin\"s unforgettable first novel, Omon Ra, is the story of a young man who always dreamt of becoming the ultimate Russian hero, a cosmonaut in the mould of Yuri Gagarin. Enrolling as a cadet at the Zaraisk flying school, it is not long before he is chosen to be the sole pilot of a mission - to the dark side of the moon....
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Blue Lantern Pelevin V.
Blue Lantern
The short stories of Victor Pelevin are as individual, reality-warping and endlessly inventive as his novels, moving effortlessly between different genres and moods, bursting with absurd wit and existential satire. In The Blue Lantern he brings together sex-change prostitutes, melancholy animals and a cabinful of young boys obsessed by death....
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Homo Zapiens Pelevin V.
Homo Zapiens
The collapse of the Soviet Union has opened up a huge consumer market, but how do you sell things to a generation that grew up with just one type of cola? When Tatarsky, a frustrated poet, takes a job as an advertising copywriter, he finds he has a......
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A Werewolf Problem in Central Russia and Other Stories Pelevin V.
A Werewolf Problem in Central Russia and Other Stories
Russian writers tend to gravitate toward either Tolstoyan gravity or Gogol\'s brand of feather-light fabulism. Victor Pelevin, the author of four previous books, most definitely belongs in the latter camp....
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Homo Zapiens Pelevin V.
Homo Zapiens
Book DescriptionThe collapse of the Soviet Union has opened up a huge consumer market, but how do you sell things to a generation that grew up with just one type of cola? When Tatarsky, a frustrated poet, takes a job as an advertising copywriter, he finds he has a talent for putting distinctively Russian twists on Western-style ads....
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The Helmet of Horror: The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur Pelevin V.
The Helmet of Horror: The Myth of Theseus and the Minotaur
Victor Pelevin, the wildly interesting contemporary Russian novelist who The New Yorker named one of the Best European Writers Under 35, upends any conventional notions of what mythology must be with his unique take on the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur....
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The Helmet of Horror Pelevin V.
The Helmet of Horror
They have never met, they have been assigned strange pseudonyms, they inhabit identical rooms which open out onto very different landscapes, and they have entered a dialogue which they cannot escape - a discourse defined and destroyed by the Helmet of Horror....
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La vie des insectos Pelevin V.
La vie des insectos
Творческую манеру Виктора Пелевина можно назвать «постсоциалистическим сюрреализмом». Так, в «Жизни насекомых» его герои одновременно и люди (рэкетиры, наркоманы, мистики, проститутки), и насекомые. Эта коллекция типажей и реальна, и надумана, что позволяет автору с едким остроумием описывать нашу действительность, а порой и давать свои прогнозы....
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Sacred Book of the Werewolf Pelevin V. Пелевин В.
Sacred Book of the Werewolf
The worldas first Zen Buddhist paranormal romanceapublished to coincide with Halloween One of the most progressive writers at work today, Victor Pelevinas comic inventiveness has won him comparisons to Kafka, Calvino, and Gogol, and Time has described him as a apsychedelic Nabokov for the cyberage....
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