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Pollan M.

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How to Change Your Mind. The New Science of Psychedelics Pollan M.
How to Change Your Mind. The New Science of Psychedelics
Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? Join Michael Pollan on a journey to the frontiers of the human mind....
1754 руб.
This Is Your Mind On Plants. Opium — Caffeine — Mescaline Pollan M.
This Is Your Mind On Plants. Opium — Caffeine — Mescaline
Of all the many things humans rely on plants for, surely the most curious is our use of them to change consciousness: to stimulate, calm, or completely alter the qualities of our mental experience....
2583 руб.
Cooked Pollan M.
Michael Pollan has the amazing ability to take the mundane (corn, building a workshop, plant seeds) and make it fascinating. So it shouldn\'t come as a surprised that Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation could take something many of us take for granted and turn it into an incredible journey....
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Food Rules: An Eater's Manual Pollan M.
Food Rules: An Eater's Manual
Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. Using those seven words as his guide, Michael Pollan offers this indispensable handbook for anyone concerned about health and food. Simple, sensible and easy to use, Food Rules is a set of memorable adages or......
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The Omnivore's Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-food World Pollan M.
The Omnivore's Dilemma: The Search for a Perfect Meal in a Fast-food World
What shall we have for dinner? Such a simple question has grown to have a very complicated answer. We can eat almost anything nature has to offer, but deciding what we should eat stirs anxiety. Should we choose the organic apple or the conventional?......
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In Defence of Food: The Myth of Nutrition and the Pleasures of Eating Pollan M.
In Defence of Food: The Myth of Nutrition and the Pleasures of Eating
Argues that humans used to know how to eat well. This book shows readers how they might start making thoughtful food choices that will enrich their lives and their palates and enlarge their sense of what it means to be healthy....
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Botany of desire Pollan M.
Botany of desire
A farmer cultivates genetically modified potatoes so that a customer at McDonald\'s half a world away can enjoy a long, golden french fry. A gardener plants tulip bulbs in the autumn and in the spring has a riotous patch of colour to admire. Two simple examples of how humans act on nature to get what we want. Or are they?...
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Buying a home is probably the single most important investment people ever make. But once you understand the process, much of the fear will vanish. And the joy of owning your own home and putting down roots offers security and satisfaction. StephenPollan walks first-time buyers through the whole process, from house hunting to moving day....
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The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals Pollan M.
The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
A national bestseller that has changed the way readers view the ecology of eating, this revolutionary book by award winner Michael Pollan asks the seemingly simple question: What should we have for dinner?...
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Omnivore's Dilemma. Perfect Meal in Fast-Food World Pollan M.
Omnivore's Dilemma. Perfect Meal in Fast-Food World
What shall we have for dinner? Such a simple question has grown to have a very complicated answer. We can eat almost anything nature has to offer, but deciding what we should eat stirs anxiety. Should we choose the organic apple or the conventional? If organic, local or imported? Wild fish or farmed? Low-carb or low-cal?...
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In Defence of Food Pollan M.
In Defence of Food
Michael Pollan\"s In Defence of Food is a simple invitation to junk the science, ditch the diet and instead rediscover the joys of eating well. This book is a celebration of food....
2621 руб.