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Taylore-Knowles J.

Библиография книг автора

Laser. 3rd Edition. B1+. Teacher`s Book + ebook + DVD-ROM Pack Mann M. Taylore-Knowles J.
Laser. 3rd Edition. B1+. Teacher`s Book + ebook + DVD-ROM Pack
Книга для учителя содержит: - детальную информацию о содержании каждого раздела учебника; - методические рекомендации по работе с материалом; - ответы к заданиям с пояснениями; - раздел Additional Task с описанием дополнительных видов деятельности на занятиях; - тексты аудиоупражнений; - раздел Suggested Homework с комментариями, когда и что выбрат...
4166 руб.
Open Mind British Edition Pre-Intermediate Student`s Book Pack Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Open Mind British Edition Pre-Intermediate Student`s Book Pack
Contains a print Student\"s Book that is visually engaging. This title includes a DVD and a webcode providing access to the Student\"s Resource Centre where video worksheets and audio are available. Each unit incorporates the course theme of......
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Open Mind British Edition Pre-Intermediate Level Student`s Book Pack Premium Taylore-Knowles J.
Open Mind British Edition Pre-Intermediate Level Student`s Book Pack Premium
Contains a print Student\"s Book that is visually engaging. In this pack, each unit incorporates the course theme of Life Skills, along with grammar sections, support boxes and a writing syllabus. It includes a webcode that provides access to the......
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Open Mind British English Elementary SB Book Pack Premium Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Open Mind British English Elementary SB Book Pack Premium
The Student\"s Book Premium Pack contains a visually-engaging print Student\"s Book. Each unit incorporates the course theme of Life Skills, along with grammar sections, support boxes and a writing syllabus. Access to a host of interactive......
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Openmind 2. Workbook (+ CD) Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Openmind 2. Workbook (+ CD)
The openMind Workbook is an ideal source of additional activities to engage the students in further practice of the student\'s book materials. The Workbook follows a format similar to that of the student\'s book and reflects its section organization. The dynamic and modern design makes the book appealing and easy to navigate through....
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Openmind 3. Workbook (+ CD) Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Openmind 3. Workbook (+ CD)
The openMind Workbook is an ideal source of additional activities to engage the students in further practice of the student\'s book materials. The Workbook follows a format similar to that of the student\'s book and reflects its section organization. The dynamic and modern design makes the book appealing and easy to navigate through....
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OpenMind (American English) 1 Student`s Book with Webcode Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
OpenMind (American English) 1 Student`s Book with Webcode
Level: Beginner / A1 The Student's Book Pack consists of a Student's Book and access to mindOnline, the companion Web site for openMind. This is accessed through a unique access code found at the back of the Student's Book....
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Openmind 2. Student's book & Webcode Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Openmind 2. Student's book & Webcode
The Student’s Book Pack consists of a Student’s Book and access to mindOnline, the companion Web site for openMind. The Student\'s Book consists of 12 units with six pages of language sections and two pages of lifeSkills. Each unit includes an Opener, Language Wrap-Up, and Communicative Wrap-Up....
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Openmind 3. Student's book & Webcode Rogers M. Taylore-Knowles J. Taylore-Knowles S.
Openmind 3. Student's book & Webcode
The Student’s Book Pack consists of a Student’s Book and access to mindOnline, the companion Web site for openMind. This is accessed through a unique access code found at the back of the Student\'s Book. The Student\'s Book consists of 12 units with six pages of language sections and two pages of lifeSkills....
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Activate! A2. Teacher`s Book Taylore-Knowles J.
Activate! A2. Teacher`s Book
Provides step-by-step instructions for each activity with integrated key and audioscripts for easy reference. It also offers alternative ways of presenting some tasks and many extra activities which can be given to students who finish their work early......
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