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Annas J.

Библиография книг автора

Intelligent Virtue Annas J.
Intelligent Virtue
Intelligent Virtue presents a distinctive new account of virtue and happiness as central ethical ideas. Annas argues that exercising a virtue involves practical reasoning of a kind which can illuminatingly be compared to the kind of reasoning we find in someone exercising a practical skill....
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WordPress Foundations Annas J.
WordPress Foundations
Want to setup a blog but have no clue where to start? Wanting to switch platforms and try out WordPress? Want an in depth, yet practical guide to using WordPress to enhance your blog?...
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Plato Annas J.
This lively and accessible introduction to Plato focuses on the philosophy and argument of his writings, drawing the reader into Plato\"s way of doing philosophy, and the general themes of his thinking. This is not a book to leave the reader......
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Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction | Эннес Джулия Annas J.
Ancient Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction | Эннес Джулия
Incisive, elegant, and full of the excitement of doing philosophy, Julia Annas\" Short Introduction boldly steps outside of the conventional chronological ways of organizing material about Greeks and Romans to get right to the heart of the human problems that exercised them, problems ranging from the relation between reason and emotion to the object...
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