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de A.

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Epitaph of a Small Winner de A.
Epitaph of a Small Winner
\"I am a deceased writer not in the sense of one who has written and is now deceased, but in the sense of one who has died and is now writing\". So begins the posthumous memoir of Braz Cubas, a wealthy nineteenth-century Brazilian....
2406 руб.
Memories of London. An Excursion to the Poor Districts of London de A. Simonin L.
Memories of London. An Excursion to the Poor Districts of London
As a first-time visitor to London, De Amicis was awestruck by the bustle and magnificence of the Victorian metropolis and wrote a number of sketches in his trademark witty, observational style, which made him one of the best-selling travel writers of his age....
2433 руб.
Constantinople de A.
A remarkable nineteenth-century account of Istanbul - which begins with a dazzling description of the city gradually appearing through the fog as the author\"s ship approaches the harbour - Constantinople expertly combines personal anecdote, breathtaking visual observation and entertaining historical information....
2433 руб.
Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks de A.
Greener Fischer-Tropsch Processes for Fuels and Feedstocks
How can we use our carbon-based resources in the most responsible manner? How can we most efficiently transform natural gas, coal, or biomass into diesel, jet fuel or gasoline to drive our machines? The Big Questions today are energyrelated, and the Fischer-Tropsch process provides industrially tested solutions....
19194.81 руб.
Processos Oxidativos em Carnes de A.
Processos Oxidativos em Carnes
Нет в наличии
Uso da terra intraurbano de A.
Uso da terra intraurbano
Нет в наличии
Стармэн Таро de A. de A.
Стармэн Таро
\\\"Starman\\\" - это название знаменитого сингла Дэвида Боуи, британского культового музыканта, рок- певца и эзотерика. Героем сингла, а затем и псевдонимом Боуи, стал вымышленный персонаж Зигги Стардаст (Звёздная пыль)....
от 2540 руб.
El sombrero de tres picos de A.
El sombrero de tres picos
Estamos hechos de imaginación y de palabras. La literatura consiste precisamente en las historias que los seres humanos se vienen contando unos a otros desde siempre, historias que alimentan la imaginación y nos enseñan las......
Нет в наличии
Candela de A.
The focus of this monograph on Spanish-born Felix Candela (1919–1997) is on modern Mexican architecture and its international influence....
Нет в наличии
El mensaje secreto + CD de A.
El mensaje secreto + CD
El mensaje secreto es un cuento de aventuras. En esta historia Rafael es un nino que nunca ha visto el mar y que siempre quiere pasar las vacaciones de verano en la playa. El descubrira pronto que la ciudad es interesante tambien en esa temporada. Ladrones, palabras extranas y perros crearan un misterio muy dificil....
1813 руб.
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