Spratt M.
Библиография книг автора
Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS 2. Academic. Teacher`s Book
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential for success in the IELTS exam. Each of its thematic units aims to develop the core language and skills needed for success in one of the IELTS papers....
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS-2. Academic Student`s Book
Mission IELTS 2 Academic is the second in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential for success in the IELTS exam. Each of its thematic units aims to develop the core language and skills needed for success in one of the IELTS papers....
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS 1. Workbook. Рабочая тетрадь
Курс \\\"Mission IELTS\\\" представляет собой серию из двух пособий и предназначен для подготовки обучающихся, претендующих получить от 5 до 6,5 баллов на экзамене IELTS и на момент начала занятий обладающих уровнем от В1 до В2 согласно Общеевропейской шкале уровней владения иностранным языком (СEFR)....
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS 1. General Training Sepplement + Academic. Teacher`s Book
Mission IELTS является первым из курсов, который поможет подготовиться к академическому модулю экзамена. Курс раскроет потенциал студентов при достижении намеченной цели....
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Feldman M.
Spratt M.
Speedmanagement fur Fusionen: Schnell entscheiden, handeln, integrieren - Uber Frosche, Hasenfu?e und Hasardeure (German Edition)
Akquirieren ist nicht schwer, Eigner sein dagegen sehr. Unternehmensveranderungen wie Fusionen bergen immer das Risiko hoher Verluste. Schnelles Lernen, Handeln und Anpassen an die neuen Gegebenheiten vermindern dieses Risiko. Das erste Buch zum Thema Speedmanagement bei Fusionen....
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Spratt M.
The Cambridge CAE Course. Student`s Book
In addition to the traditional emphasis at this level on skills development, The Cambridge CAE Course focuses on other areas of language such as pronunciation, vocabulary extension, functional language and style. The Self-study Student\"s Book......
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Cambridge: First Certificate Direct: Workbook
This easy-to-use course provides complete preparation for the First Certificate in English exam. Fourteen units containing short, at-a-glance lessons give learners a sense of achievement. The combination of systematic language development, exam training and lively class activities make First Certificate Direct informative and fun....
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Daniel E.
Spratt M.
Who Am I
A single woman setting out for Africa and a medical mission? Fascinating enough. But add to that the single woman building a hospital in India, going back to Africa to reopen a hospital after the revolution in Zimbabwe, and establishment of clinics in Honduras-and you have a picture of a courageous woman....
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Feldman M.
Spratt M.
Five Frogs on a Log: A CEO's Field Guide to Accelerating the Transition in Mergers, Acquisitions And Gut Wrenching Change
A riddle: Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Answer: Five Why? Because there\'s a difference between deciding and doing. Written by Mark L. Feldman and Michael F....
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Spratt M.
Taylor L.
The Cambridge CAE Course: Self-Study Student's Book
The Cambridge CAE Course prepares students thoroughly for the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English examination and, at the same time, helps them to improve their communication skills in English and their overall command of the language....
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Spratt M.
English for the Teacher: A Language Development Course
English for the Teacher is a course which enables teachers to improve their language ability for a number of purposes - using English in the classroom, making professional contacts, reading about the teaching of English and discussions with colleagues and students....
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS 1: General Training Supplement
Mission IELTS 1 General Training Supplement aims to help students achieve their potential for success in the IELTS General Training Module....
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Obee B.
Spratt M.
Mission IELTS-1. Academic Student`s Book
Mission IELTS 1 Academic is the first in a two-course book series which aims to help students to achieve their potential for success in the IELTS exam. Each of its thematic units aims to develop the core language and skills needed for success in one of the IELTS papers....
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