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Patton P.

Библиография книг автора

The Fifth Christian Joker`s Card Patton P.
The Fifth Christian Joker`s Card
BlurbBack with another gripping installment of powerful poetry, Patrick "Pure Love" Patton steps up his game and shows the world what it's like inside the mind of a true Christian Juggalo. Follow along and twist your mind around these poignant rhymes. ...
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20th Century Classic Cars Heimann J. Patton P.
20th Century Classic Cars
From the Model T and DB5 to the VW Beetle and the Hummer Time-travel through the Automobile Age with a collection that puts you in the driver\"s seat. 20th Century Classic Cars offers a lush visual history of the automobile, decade by decade, via 400-plus print advertisements from the Jim Heimann Collection....
от 2677 руб.
Glamour: Fashion, Industrial Design, Architecture Patton P. Postrel V. Steele V.
Glamour: Fashion, Industrial Design, Architecture
Book Description As one of the most alluring yet elusive concepts in contemporary style, glamour is an ideal that permeates our visual culture. This lavishly illustrated book radically revises our understanding of glamour in fashion, industrial design, and architecture....
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Classic cars 20th Century Heimann J. Patton P.
Classic cars 20th Century
Henry Ford jump-started the age of the automobile with the first assembly-line car in 1908: the Model T. Over the next century the automobile evolved from chugging workhorse to tailfin-era showboat to sleek status symbol, complete with sleek hood ornament....
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