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Rahman H.

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Molecular Diagnosis of Small Ruminant Mycoplasmosis Rahman H. Sadique U.
Molecular Diagnosis of Small Ruminant Mycoplasmosis
The genus Mycoplasma having many species which are important pathogens for caprine, these include Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp), Mycoplasma mycoides subsp....
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The Teaching of Reading Skills of English Rahman H.
The Teaching of Reading Skills of English
The book shows a fair evaluation of the reading skills in Bangladesh. But the most important feature of this book is that it offers an elaborate discussion on reading strategies that include intensive and extensive readings, subskills of reading, top down and bottom up approaches to reading etc....
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Effects of Television Cartoon on Children’s Socialization Rahman H.
Effects of Television Cartoon on Children’s Socialization
As a sociology student we know four agents of socialization, which help children, develop. These are family, school, peers and mass media. But in that global age scholars give more important on mass media as a powerful and influential agent of socialization....
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Statin Pharmacogenetics in Metabolic Syndrome Mohammad M. Rahman H.
Statin Pharmacogenetics in Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a modern era disease which has engulfed wide regions of the world and the problem is increasing at a rapid pace. The atherogenic dyslipidemia associated with the metabolic syndrome predispose to cardiovascular events. The Statins are considered first-line therapy for treating Dyslipidemia....
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Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Success Rahman H.
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Success
Worldwide millions of youths try their luck in entrepreneurship venture. However, only a few of them turn out to be successful. Although the circumstances remain more or less similar, the level of success greatly varies from person to person....
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Applications of Analytical Techniques / Methods in Drug Analysis Rahman H.
Applications of Analytical Techniques / Methods in Drug Analysis
This book is designed to guide the analytical chemistry students, researchers who are working in the area of drug analysis. It would also be helpful to quality control laboratories to validate the analytical methods using different validation and statistical parameters....
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Effect of Processed Alfalfa on the Performance of Lohi Lambs Rahman H. Saadullah J.
Effect of Processed Alfalfa on the Performance of Lohi Lambs
Pelleting of hay and other feeds for ruminants is developing rapidly as a new method of preparation for livestock feed. Intake of pelleted diet is greater than same diet in unpelleted form. Increased gain and improved feed efficiency is observed from pelleting feeds for lambs....
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Testcrosses for Grain Yield and Related Traits in Maize Variety Azam Khan A. Rahman H. Shah L.
Testcrosses for Grain Yield and Related Traits in Maize Variety Azam
Maize ranks 3rd among cereal grown crop in Pakistan. It was grown on area of 1052.1 thousand hectares, with the total annual production of 3593 thousand tones and average yield of 3415 kg ha-1, similarly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa it was sown on about 509.5 thousand hectares, with the total annual production of 957....
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Bt-cotton characters & metrological factors effects on Jassid attack Qayyum M. Rahman H.
Bt-cotton characters & metrological factors effects on Jassid attack
Amongst various species of insect pests attacking the cotton crop, the sucking insect pests always remained a limiting factor. Among these sucking insects Jassid (Amrasca devastans Dist.) has great importance. Jassid is a very serious sucking pest of cotton which causes serious and significant yield reduction in susceptible cotton varieties....
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Micropropagation of Elite Genotypes of Banana Islam M. Rahman H.
Micropropagation of Elite Genotypes of Banana
Micropropagation from shoot tips of one-month-old suckers of six banana cultivars and subsequent field evaluation for commercial exploitation, were studied. Among the various growth regulators, the medium with 5 mg/l BAP was found to be the most effective for micropropagation....
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Microtuberization in Potato Hossain R. Rahman H.
Microtuberization in Potato
Different sugar types were evaluated on microtuberization efficiencies of potato and sucrose was considered to be the best sugar type and 8% sucrose in media was optimized....
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Biochemical and Demographic Analysis of Vitiligo Patients Islam M. Rahman H.
Biochemical and Demographic Analysis of Vitiligo Patients
The results show that vitiligo are quite prevalent and constitute a major psychological health problem in Bangladesh....
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Evaluation of HPMC and Poloxamer in Curcumin Floating Microspheres Rahman H.
Evaluation of HPMC and Poloxamer in Curcumin Floating Microspheres
The Goddess of curcumin gives color to life !!!! Focussing on the criticle problem factors of curcumin – solubility, absorption & bioavailability that will successfully bring the curcumin into the market as drug....
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Conservative Dentistry And Statistics Rahman H. Singh A.
Conservative Dentistry And Statistics
Conservative dentistry deals with clinical practice of dentistry in clinical studies day by day new advancement. New studies related to dental materials and clinical trials are explored. The observations and results we get from such studies is explained on the basis of various statistical analysis....
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Response of Tabanids to odour baited traps Rahman H.
Response of Tabanids to odour baited traps
This study was done as part of my work for master degree. I Studied the responses of flies to visual decoys together with novel olfactory attractants for possible development of a sustainable bait technology....
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