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Qureshi R.

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Correlation Among Qureshi R.
Correlation Among
The secretions produced by neurosecretory cells are held responsible for the maturation of gonads and reproductive process in prawns....
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Introduction to Programming Qureshi R.
Introduction to Programming
The inspiration to write this book is to design such a text to learn programming for the computer science and IT students using common language and daily life examples. The main strength of this book is that it provides a complete guideline to lean programming by solving the same example using four popular languages i.e., C, C++, Java and C#.Net....
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Impact Of Mergers On Employees In Banking Sector Of Pakistan Qureshi R.
Impact Of Mergers On Employees In Banking Sector Of Pakistan
The core idea behind this study was to gain an understanding of the relationship between organizational mergers and human resource concerns. Exclusively the concept of employee satisfaction, commitment and turnover intentions were examined in relation to banks that were being merged in Pakistan....
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Parasitic helminths of freshwater fishes of Bhopal, India Kaur P. Qureshi R.
Parasitic helminths of freshwater fishes of Bhopal, India
This original piece of work highlights the results of studies carried out on the survey of ecto- and endo- parasitic helminths of some freshwater fishes of Bhopal, India in relation to the physico-chemical parameters of water, identification and classification of parasites, histo-pathology of the organs infected by them, their effect on the haemato...
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Fungal Infection of Fishes Qureshi R.
Fungal Infection of Fishes
Fungi are responsible for producing number of diseases, including some devastating epizootics in fishes, which inflict heavy losses to fish industry. This book provides support in gaining the knowledge in this field....
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Effects of vitamins on reproductive system of female Swiss albino mice Qureshi R.
Effects of vitamins on reproductive system of female Swiss albino mice
In the world of environment health and medicine, lead exposure remains one of the most important problems. Despite decades of intensive research, lead toxicity remains one of the most studied subjects of all within the field of environmental health and medicine....
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Microscopy and Ultrasonography of the Testis of Dromedary Camel Qureshi R.
Microscopy and Ultrasonography of the Testis of Dromedary Camel
Pakistan possesses about 23% camel population of Asian countries and rates fourth in the world following Somalia, Sudan and Mauritania. There are about 0.328 million households linked one way or another with camel production in Pakistan....
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Effect of Breed, Physiological States & Storage Condition on Milk Fat Khan B. Qureshi R.
Effect of Breed, Physiological States & Storage Condition on Milk Fat
Milk is very valuable food substance as it contains all the essential food constituents, viz. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins in addition to a considerable percentage of minerals. Important component of milk next to protein is fat, either freely available in globular form or complex form of lipoproteins....
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Impact Of Mergers On Employees In Banking Sector Of Pakistan: Focus on Employee Commitment, Employee Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions Qureshi R.
Impact Of Mergers On Employees In Banking Sector Of Pakistan: Focus on Employee Commitment, Employee Satisfaction and Employee Turnover Intentions
The core idea behind this study was to gain an understanding of the relationship between organizational mergers and human resource concerns. Exclusively the concept of employee satisfaction, commitment and turnover intentions were examined in relation to banks that were being merged in Pakistan....
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