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Earhart K.

Библиография книг автора

Color Harmony Logos / Гармония цвета в логотипах (+ CD-ROM) Belonax T. Earhart K. Simmonds C.
Color Harmony Logos / Гармония цвета в логотипах (+ CD-ROM)
Color Harmony: Logos opens wiyg a discussion on how to choose color for logos, then follows with 26 chapters based on common identity artributes. Each chapter xplores over 40 different effective color combinations. The result-more than 1000 logo......
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Color Harmony Logos (+CD) Belonax T. Earhart K. Simmons C.
Color Harmony Logos (+CD)
В книге представлены 10 наиболее часто употребимых типов печатной продукции (фирменный бланк, постер, обложка, брошюра, информационный бюллетень и т. д.) и самые распространенные цветовые сочетания: классическое, тропикана, романтическое, элегантное, транслюсцентное, свежие и т. д....
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Happy's Big Plan Earhart K.
Happy's Big Plan
Happy Go Lucky is quickly learning his way around Big Apple Barn. He's busy making new friends like Roscoe, the barn mouse, and Ivy, the trainer's youngest daughter. There's so much to explore!
Before long, Happy discovers that being a school pony isn't easy. Every rider is very different ...
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Saddle Up, Happy! Earhart K.
Saddle Up, Happy!
It's Happy Go Lucky's first time riding in a show! He and Dapper Dan, an experienced show pony, will both be there. Dan loves showing, but Happy isn't so sure about it. It's an awful lot of work. He has so much practicing to do!
New places can be scary, and Happy doesn't know what to expect at the show ...
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Roscoe and the Pony Parade Earhart K.
Roscoe and the Pony Parade
The spring festival is in town! Happy Go Lucky and his friends from Big Apple Barn can't wait to see what it's all about. There will be games, deorations, and the ponies will even march in the big parade!
But then Roscoe goes missing at the festival. A trip to town could be dangerous for a tiny barn mouse ...
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Happy Go Lucky Earhart K.
Happy Go Lucky
Happy Go Lucky is a young pony. He loves living with his mom at Shoemaker Stables. But when he's sent to live at a riding school called Big Apple Barn, everything in Happy's life changes.
Big Apple Barn is full of new adventures! There are so many horses and ponies for Happy to meet ...
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A Sassy Surprise Earhart K.
A Sassy Surprise
Just when Happy Go Lucky is starting to feel at home at Big Apple Barn, everything changes. There is a new pony in the barn: Sassafras Surprise, otherwise known as Sassy. Everyone wants to learn more about her.
Suddenly, Happy's friends are not around as much. They're spending time with Sassy, instead ...
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