Тезиков Е.Б.
Библиография книг автора
Литвицкий П.Ф.
Пирожков С.В.
Тезиков Е.Б.
Патофизиология. Лекции, тесты, задачи. Учебное пособие
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module\"s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and ...
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Литвицкий П.Ф.
Пирожков С.В.
Тезиков Е.Б.
Pathophysiology / Патофизиология. Лекции. Тесты. Задачи
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module\'s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and...
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Литвицкий П.Ф.
Пирожков С.В.
Тезиков Е.Б.
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module\'s topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems, and...
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Литвицкий П.Ф.
Пирожков С.В.
Тезиков Е.Б.
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module principle and contains summary of lectures on the specific module's topic, tests, clinico-pathophysiological and clinico-laboratory cases for training and control of knowledge, algorithms of solution of the typical problems,...
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Литвицкий П.Ф.
Пирожков С.В.
Тезиков Е.Б.
Задачи и тестовые задания по патофизиологии: Учебное пособие для вузов (под ред. Литвицкого П.Ф.) Учебное пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса и соответствует содержанию учебника "Патофизиология" П.Ф. Литвицкого ("ГЭОТАР МЕД", 2002). Сборник ситуационных и клинико-лабораторных задач предназначен для студентов, осваивающих базисные положения патофизиологии, а также студентов-выпускников, изучающих курс клинической патофизиологии ... |
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