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Книги серии «The Historic Moments in Speech Series»

Republicans авторов а.
Republican Party spokespeople include presidents, advisors and candidates. Speeches are given by Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and others. Words that support the party line and meant to win elections. Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom. ...
2804.45 руб.
Democrats авторов а.
Party leaders, officeholders, candidates, and advisors address the press and the American people. Includes the Kennedys, the Clintons, FDR, Truman, Carter, Obama, and many others explaining what the Democratic Party stands for and strategies for winning elections. Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom. ...
2804.45 руб.
Fireside Chats Company S.
Fireside Chats
Features Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Fireside Chats that were used to inform and build support for his presidency. From 1933 to 1945, families would gather around their living room radio to listen to the president explain everything from why he was closing banks to declaring war on Japan following the bombing of Pearl Harbor....
2804.45 руб.