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Книги серии «Сборник статьей»

To Forgive or To Revenge. Collection of articles Волсини и.
To Forgive or To Revenge. Collection of articles
Being deprived of love, you can be bearing resentment against the offender a lifetime, but you can also forgive and find happiness again. At the moment when the person is emotionally wounded, he faces a choice – to forgive or to revenge. Whichever way may he choose to avenge, he ultimately destroys himself and deprives himself of love for life....
450 руб.
Простить или Отомстить Волсини и.
Простить или Отомстить
Статьи супругов Волсини, появившиеся в глянцевых журналах в 2010–2013 годах, произвели настоящий фурор среди читателей....
290 руб.