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Книги серии «Pelican Books»

Chinese Thought. From Confucius to Cook Ding Sterckx R.
Chinese Thought. From Confucius to Cook Ding
An engrossing history of ancient Chinese philosophy and culture from an eminent Cambridge expert We are often told that the twenty-first century is bound to become China\"s century. Never before has Chinese culture been so physically, digitally, economically or aesthetically present in everyday Western life....
1731 руб.
The Blue Commons. Rescuing the Economy of the Sea Standing G.
The Blue Commons. Rescuing the Economy of the Sea
The sea provides more than half the oxygen we breathe, food for billions of people and livelihoods for hundreds of millions. But giant corporations are plundering the world\"s oceans, aided by global finance and complicit states, following the neoliberal maxim of Blue Growth....
5238 руб.
How Religion Evolved. And Why It Endures Dunbar R.
How Religion Evolved. And Why It Endures
When did humans develop spiritual thought? What is religion\"s evolutionary purpose? And in our increasingly secular world, why has it endured? Every society in the history of humanity has lived with religion....
5248 руб.
Feeding Britain. Our Food Problems and How to Fix Them Lang T.
Feeding Britain. Our Food Problems and How to Fix Them
How does Britain get its food? Why is our current system at breaking point? How can we fix it before it is too late? British food has changed remarkably in the last half century....
1780 руб.