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Книги серии «LyA CV A1»

Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseno  volar Sepulveda L.
Historia de una gaviota y del gato que le enseno volar
Zorbas, un gato \\\"grande, negro у gordo\\\" del puerto de Hamburgo, mantiene la promesa que le hace a la gaviota Kengah antes de morir: cuidar de su huevo hasta el nacimiento del polluelo у luego criarlo у ensenarle a volar. Junto a otros gatos comienza la ardua tarea de crianza de la joven gaviota Afortunada, a la que finalmente ensenan a volar....
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Emil und die Detektive Kastner E.
Emil und die Detektive
Emil goes to Berlin all by himself. His mother gives him some money to take to his grandmother there, but it disappears on the train! Emil knows who the thief is, and wants to find the man. And so the hunt begins, but can Emil really get his money back? Gustav mit der Hupe, Pony Hutchen and other young detectives will help him out....
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Le racisme explique a ma fille
Le racisme explique a ma fille
Merieme is ten years old. She’s a curious girl and wants to know what racism is. Her father answers all her questions, telling her why some people are racist, how we can fight their ideas and why racism is dangerous. And he explains why differences enrich us. Издание на французском языке....
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Mundo del fin del mundo
Mundo del fin del mundo
A boy dreams of becoming a seafarer and whaler, but his illusions are shattered when he witnesses the horror of a whale hunt. Several years later, as an adult, he returns to the end of the world as a reporter committed to exposing abuse in whale hunting and to fighting depredation on the seas. Издание на испанском языке....
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Misterio en Buenos Aires
Misterio en Buenos Aires
Four high-school students from Barcelona take a class trip to Buenos Aires to celebrate the end of the school year. In the Argentinian capital, the four friends come across a map drawn by a famous explorer and take on the role of detectives, embarking on a series of adventures in search of the mysterious treasure. Издание на испанском языке....
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