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Книги серии «Artist`s Life»

Caravaggio Papa R.
Dall\"apprendistato in terra lombarda al successo di Roma, dal processo per omicidio alla fuga e all\"inevitabile condanna alla pena capitale, fino alla morte avvenuta su di una spiaggia in circostanze misteriose, il volume ripercorre le luci......
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Raphael Tazartes M.
Classic grace and human grandeur Influenced by his contemporaries Michelangelo and Leonardo, Raphael Santi (1483-1520) became, in his own right, one of the most important artists of the High Renaissance. Though Raphael painted many important works in......
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Leonardo Crispino E.
Leonardo da Vinci is, undeniably, one of the most famous men in the history of the world architect and sculptor, painter and engineer, writer and student of anatomy his was a genius such as the world may never know again. As a painter, Leonardos Mona......
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Michelangelo Crispino E.
Often considered a rival to Da Vinci for the title of archetypal Renaissance man, Michelangelo was not only a prolific and talented sculptor by the time he was thirty, he had already sculpted two of his best-known and most famous works, David and the......
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