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Книги серии «Phaidon Colour Library»

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Sisley Shone R.
Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the 19th century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England and the illustrations in this volume include the snow scenes......
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Rossetti: Colour Library Rodgers D.
Rossetti: Colour Library
Dante Gabriel Rossetti produced some of the most glittering and evocative images of the Victorian era. A member of the influential Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Rossetti found inspiration in the writings of Dante, Shakespeare and Malory, with many of his paintings depicting scenes from Arthurian legend and tales of medieval chivalry....
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Surrealist Painting Wilson S. (Уилсон С.)
Surrealist Painting
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise......
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Klimt Dean C.
Gustav Klimt is one of the most popular artists of the late 19th- and early 20th-centuries. A founding member of the Viennese Secession and a leader of the Art Nouveau movement, Klimt was an innovator who achieved success with large decorative schemes as well as smaller portraits and paintings....
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Whistler Spalding F.
James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) was one of the most original artists of the late 19th-century. Flamboyant dandy and ebullient publicist, friend of Oscar Wilde, Whistler was also a meticulous craftsman dedicated to the perfection of his art. He was......
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Schiele Short C.
As a precocious child talent, growing up in 1890s Vienna - the same that nurtured the psychoanlysis of Freud - Egon Schiele developed a distinctive personal style that matched his obsession with sex, life and death....
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Manet Richardson J.
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise......
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Monet House J.
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise......
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Ernst: Colour Library Turpin I.
Ernst: Colour Library
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise......
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Holbein Langdon H.
The series has always been highly regarded for its insight and authority, providing an invaluable introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each volume contains an introductory essay, forty-eight full-page colour plates, accompanied by......
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Goya Harris E.
Goya is often called the last of the Old Masters and the first of the Moderns. He is appreciated as a portrait painter; a creator of menacing and melancholy images in oils; a master of enigmatic, satirical and revolutionary drawings and etchings; the......
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Japanese Colour Prints: Colour Library Hillier J.
Japanese Colour Prints: Colour Library
This series acts as an introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each title contains 48 full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white, a concise introduction, select bibliography and detailed source information for the images....
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Гейнсборо (на английском языке) Kalinsky N.
Гейнсборо (на английском языке)
Thomas Gainsborough was one of the most brilliant and original portrait painters of the 18th-century, surpassing his great rival Reynolds with his abilty to capture a likeness and his superb handling of the paint. He was also a talented and sensitive......
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Vermeer Bailey M.
The series has always been highly regarded for its insight and authority, providing an invaluable introduction to key artists and movements in art history. Each volume contains an introductory essay, forty-eight full-page colour plates, accompanied by extensive notes, and numerous comparative illustrations in colour or black and white....
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Impressionism Powell-Jones M.
The Impressionists were scorned by the establishment during their lifetime, yet they are now among the most popular artists of all time. This volume includes the work of some of the best known, including Monet, Pissarro, Manet, Degas, Sisley, Cezanne,......
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