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Книги серии «Pragmatic Programmers»

Explore It! Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing Hendrickson E.
Explore It! Reduce Risk and Increase Confidence with Exploratory Testing
Software is full of surprises. No matter how careful or skilled you are, when you create software it can behave differently than you intended. Exploratory testing mitigates those risks. Part 1 introduces the core, essential skills of a master explorer....
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Async JavaScript: Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code Burnham T.
Async JavaScript: Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code
With the advent of HTML5, front-end MVC, and Node.js, JavaScript is ubiquitous - and still messy. This book will give you a solid foundation for managing async tasks without losing your sanity in a tangle of callbacks....
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Семь баз данных за семь недель. Введение в современные базы данных и идеологию NoSQL Редмонд Э. Уилсон Д.
Семь баз данных за семь недель. Введение в современные базы данных и идеологию NoSQL
В книге описаны большинство из современных баз данных с открытым исходным кодом: Redis, Neo4J, CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, PostgreSQL и Riak. Для каждой базы приведены примеры работы с реальными данными, демонстрирующие основные идеи и сильные стороны....
от 1504 руб.
Agile Coaching Davies R. Sedley L.
Agile Coaching
To lead change, you need to expand your toolkit, and this book gives you the tools you need to make the transition from agile practitioner to agile coach. \"Agile Coaching\" is all about working with people to create great agile teams. You\'ll learn how to build a team that produces great software and has fun doing it....
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The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with Rspec, Cucumber, and Friends Astels D. Chelimsky D. Dennis Z. Hellesoy A. North B.
The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with Rspec, Cucumber, and Friends
You\'ll get started right away with RSpec 2 and Cucumber by developing a simple game, using Cucumber to express high-level requirements in language your customer understands, and RSpec to express more granular requirements that focus on the behavior of individual objects in the system....
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