Книги серии «Face2face»
Bell J.
Clementson T.
Cunningham G.
face2face. Advanced. Student`s Book
Учебник состоит из 12 тематических модулей, каждый модуль включает 4 урока, каждый из которых занимает 2 страницы. Каждый урок рассчитан примерно на 90 минут. В верхней части каждого юнита отображается список лексики, которую ученики усвоят на данном уроке....
2860 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face Intermediate B. Student`s Book B
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Elementary A. Student`s Book A
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Elementary B. Student`s Book B
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Intermediate A. Student`s Book A
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Upper Intermediate B. Student’s Book B
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Upper Intermediate A. Student’s Book A
face2face Second edition is a fully updated and redesigned edition of this best-selling general English course for adults and young adults who want to learn quickly and effectively in today\"s world....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Pre-intermediate B. Student’s Book B
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Pre-intermediate A. Student’s Book A
This is a split edition of the Student\"s Book. \"Student\"s Book A\" contains the first half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only and \"Student\"s Book B\" contains the second half of the units of the regular Student\"s Book only....
3993 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Starter. Student`s Book with Online Workbook
The Starter Student\"s Book with Online Workbook provides 70 hours of core teaching material. The Online Workbook contains a wide range of easy-to-use consolidated activities and also allows teachers to monitor student\"s work and progress....
4322 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Upper Intermediate. Student`s Book with Online Workbook
The Upper Intermediate Student\"s Book with Online Workbook provides 80 hours of core teaching material. The Online Workbook contains a wide range of easy-to-use consolidated activities and also allows teachers to monitor student\"s work and progress....
4322 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Elementary. Student`s Book with Online Workbook
The Elementary Student\"s Book with Online Workbook provides 80 hours of core teaching material. The Online Workbook contains a wide range of easy-to-use consolidated activities and also allows teachers to monitor student\"s work and progress....
7529 руб. |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Intermediate. Student`s Book with Online Workbook
The Intermediate Student\"s Book with Online Workbook provides 80 hours of core teaching material. The Online Workbook contains a wide range of easy-to-use consolidated activities and also allows teachers to monitor student\"s work and progress....
4322 руб. |
face2face. Pre-intermediate. Student`s Book with Online Workbook
The Pre-intermediate Student\"s Book with Online Workbook provides 80 hours of core teaching material. The Online Workbook contains a wide range of easy-to-use consolidated activities and also allows teachers to monitor student\"s work and progress....
Нет в наличии |
Cunningham G.
Redston C.
face2face. Elementary. Student`s Book
The Elementary Student\"s Book provides 80 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 120 hours with the inclusion of the photocopiable resources in the Teacher\"s Book (with Teacher\"s DVD)....
2860 руб. |