Книги по запросу


Посетители сайта довольно часто используют в поиске тему "Wikipedia" и проявили интерес к следующим книгам:

Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 Чекмарев А.А.
Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005
Книга служит руководством по операционной системе Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005, которая является полноценной платформой для любых приложений и, в то же время, ориентирована на домашние развлечения, включая просмотр и запись телепрограмм ...
Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450-1516. Between Heaven and Hell Bosing W.
Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450-1516. Between Heaven and Hell
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! 40-bit encryption refers to a key size of forty bits, or five bytes, for symmetric encryption; this represents a relatively low level of security. A forty bit length corresponds to a total of possible keys....
Historia de la Eternidad Jorge L.
Historia de la Eternidad
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! L\'ecran bleu de la mort aussi abrege BSoD de l\'anglais Blue Screen of Death se refere ? l\'ecran affiche par le systeme d\'exploitation Microsoft Windows lorsqu\'il ne peut plus recuperer une erreur systeme ou lorsqu\'il est ? un point critique d\'erreur fatale....
Hot Sex: How to Do It Tracey C.
Hot Sex: How to Do It
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! L’informatique de confiance est un projet de grandes societes d\'informatique, incluant plusieurs technologies, suscitant de tres vifs debats notamment sur la preservation des libertes individuelles et de la vie privee de l\'utilisateur. Le principe de base consiste ? assigner une signature ?...
Gianni and Donatella by Sante D'Orazio D O.
Gianni and Donatella by Sante D'Orazio
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In geometry, the concept of a Maurer rose was introduced by Peter M. Maurer in his article entitled A Rose is a Rose…. A Maurer rose consists of some lines which connect some points on a rose curve....
A Fraction of the Whole (shortlisted for Booker'08) Steve T.
A Fraction of the Whole (shortlisted for Booker'08)
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format....
Art Nouveau Jewellery from Pforzheim (English, German) Fritz F.
Art Nouveau Jewellery from Pforzheim (English, German)
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! This article presents a timeline of events in the history of computing from 1980 to 1989. For a narrative explaining the overall developments, see the related history of computers and history of computer science. Computing timelines: 2400 BC–1949, 1950–1979, 1980–1989, 1990–1999, 2000-present....
Durer 1471-1525. The genius of the German Renaissance Wolf N.
Durer 1471-1525. The genius of the German Renaissance
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Common knowledge is a special kind of knowledge for a group of agents. There is common knowledge of p in a group of agents G when all the agents in G know p, they all know that they know p, they all know that they all know that they know p, and so on ad infinitum....
Los Logos 4 (bilingual German/English) R. K.
Los Logos 4 (bilingual German/English)
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! First announced in May 2006 the NEO N64 Myth Cart was released on December 30, 2009 at a price of $199.00. It is the first backup device to be released for the Nintendo 64 since it was discontinued by Nintendo in 2001/2002, and is marketed towards retro gamers....
Dennis Hopper: Photographs 1961-1967 Bockris V. Hopper D. Hopps W. Hundley J.
Dennis Hopper: Photographs 1961-1967
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Secure Password Authentication (SPA) is a proprietary Microsoft protocol used to authenticate Microsoft email clients with an electronic mail server when using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Post Office Protocol (POP), or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)....
Jugendstil aus Nürnberg Claus P.
Jugendstil aus Nürnberg
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In mathematics, Chern–Weil theory computes topological invariants of vector bundles and principal bundles in terms of connections and curvature. That is, the theory forms a bridge between the areas of algebraic topology and differential geometry....
Curtains, Shades, Pillows & Covers Jean N.
Curtains, Shades, Pillows & Covers
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Lingolook Flashcards is a publications on iPhone of travel language guidebook aimed to simplify conversation for travelers who don\'t speak the language and just want to get by. Lingolook Flashcards for Foreign Travel are designed to help English-speaking travelers get by abroad in a flash....
Designed for Kids: A Complete Sourcebook of Stylish Products for the Modern Family Phyllis R.
Designed for Kids: A Complete Sourcebook of Stylish Products for the Modern Family
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Fancast is a website where people may watch full-length network television shows, feature films, trailers and clips, as well as in-depth news and editorial content surrounding entertainment....
El Idioma de los argentinos Jorge L.
El Idioma de los argentinos
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! L\'analyse fonctionnelle est la branche des mathematiques et plus particulierement de l\'analyse qui etudie les espaces de fonctions. Sa naissance peut ?tre datee ? peu pres ? 1907, et, un siecle plus tard, elle est omnipresente dans toutes les branches des mathematiques, au point de ne plus vraiment ?...
Yerma Federico G.
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles!...
The Collected Tales Nikolai G.
The Collected Tales
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! En informatique, le telechargement est l’operation de transmission d’informations — programmes, donnees, images, sons, videos — d’un ordinateur ? un autre via un canal de transmission, en general internet ou intranet....
El Libro de los Seres Imaginarios Jorge L.
El Libro de los Seres Imaginarios
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Le mot « partition », derive du latin partitio, a perdu son sens initial de division au profit du mot « partage » en fran?ais. Un temps utilise pour designer le resultat d\'un partage, il est depuis essentiellement utilise dans des contextes specialises. Heraldique....
Новейшая энциклопедия персонального компьютера 2009 Леонтьев В. П.
Новейшая энциклопедия персонального компьютера 2009
Новое издание популярной компьютерной энциклопедии включает самую актуальную информацию, необходимую каждому владельцу компьютера. Подробность изложения материала в сочетании с живым и увлекательным авторским стилем делают книгу незаменимой как для начинающих, так и для опытных пользователей....
Интернет. Справочник Леонтьев В. П. Леонтьев В. П.
Интернет. Справочник
Полностью обновленный справочник. Содержит подробную актуальную информацию обо всем, что имеет отношение к Интернету....
Всё из ничего: Как получить максимум, вложив минимум Лаблин Н.
Всё из ничего: Как получить максимум, вложив минимум
Умная и увлекательная книга о том, как вести бизнес при ограниченных ресурсах, а то и совсем без них. Если компания не может (или не хочет) сорить деньгами и даже если денег нет вообще, можно успешно конкурировать на рынке....
Новейший самоучитель. Интернет Леонтьев В. П.
Новейший самоучитель. Интернет
Облик Интернета меняется каждый день, ежечасно, ежеминутно. Сегодня мы все чаще выходим в Сеть не с компьютеров, а с мобильников, плееров, умных холодильников и даже с наручных часов. Появляются новые ресурсы и услуги, Сеть растет с третьей космической скоростью, потихоньку вытесняя реальную жизнь....
API Яндекс, Google и других популярных веб-сервисов. Готовые решения для вашего сайта Петин В.
API Яндекс, Google и других популярных веб-сервисов. Готовые решения для вашего сайта
Рассмотрены возможности, предоставляемые API Яндекс, Google, Twitter, ISPmanager, Wikipedia. Показано, как повысить функциональность и привлекательность веб-проектов, интегрировав в них возможности, предоставляемые API этих популярных веб-сервисов....
Морская звезда и паук. Неудержимая сила организаций без лидеров Бекстрем Р. Брафман О.
Морская звезда и паук. Неудержимая сила организаций без лидеров
Если вы оторвете голову пауку, он умрет; но если вы отрежете щупальце морской звезде, она отрастит новое, а отрезанное щупальце может вырасти в новую морскую звезду....
Wikipedia: Das Standard-Online-Nachschlagewerk (German Edition)
Wikipedia: Das Standard-Online-Nachschlagewerk (German Edition)
Wikipedia ist ein kostenloses Lexikon im Internet, das mittlerweile mit etablierten Nachschlagewerken verglichen wird. Es basiert auf den Eintragen vieler freier und freiwilliger Mitarbeiter, die belegt sein und nach bestimmten Kriterien angefertigt werden mussen, sowie durch andere kritisiert und verbessert werden konnen....
Absteigender Knoten (German Edition)
Absteigender Knoten (German Edition)
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Knoten nennt man die Schnittpunkte der Bahn eines astronomischen Objektes mit einer Bezugsebene.Der Punkt, an dem die Bahn die Bezugsebene von Norden nach Suden durchsto?t, nennt man absteigender Knoten. Der Punkt, an dem die Bahn die Bezugsebene von Suden nach Norden durchsto?...
Japanese Phonology: Sino-Japanese Vocabulary, Japanese Pitch Accent, Rendaku, Japanese Sound Symbolism, Dakuten, Yoon, Sokuon, Yotsugana, Choonpu
Japanese Phonology: Sino-Japanese Vocabulary, Japanese Pitch Accent, Rendaku, Japanese Sound Symbolism, Dakuten, Yoon, Sokuon, Yotsugana, Choonpu
Purchase includes a free trial membership in the publisher\'s book club where you can select from more than a million books without charge. Chapters: Sino-Japanese Vocabulary, Japanese Pitch Accent, Rendaku, Japanese Sound Symbolism, Dakuten, YA?on, Sokuon, Yotsugana, ChA?onpu. Source: Wikipedia. Free updates online. Not illustrated....
Neuroinformatics: Neuroscience, Information Science, Genomics, Informatics, Computer Data Processing, Information Technology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse
Neuroinformatics: Neuroscience, Information Science, Genomics, Informatics, Computer Data Processing, Information Technology, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Neuroinformatics is a research field that encompasses the organization of neuroscience data and application of computational models and analytical tools....
Reinforcement Learning: Computer Science, Machine Learning, Game Theory, Bounded Rationality, Markov Decision Process, Supervised Learning, Multi-Armed Bandit, Robot Control, Monte Carlo Method
Reinforcement Learning: Computer Science, Machine Learning, Game Theory, Bounded Rationality, Markov Decision Process, Supervised Learning, Multi-Armed Bandit, Robot Control, Monte Carlo Method
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Inspired by related psychological theory, in computer science, reinforcement learning is a sub-area of machine learning concerned with how an agent ought to take actions in an environment so as to maximize some notion of long-term reward....
The Discourse of Blogs and Wikis Myers G.
The Discourse of Blogs and Wikis
This is an insightful analysis of the new discourse produced by blogs and wikis. Blogs and Wikis have not been with us for long, but have made a huge impact on society....
Thawte: Certificate Authority, X.509, Mark Shuttleworth, Internet, Export of Cryptography, Apache HTTP Server, Netscape, Public Key Certificate, Space Tourism, Web of Trust
Thawte: Certificate Authority, X.509, Mark Shuttleworth, Internet, Export of Cryptography, Apache HTTP Server, Netscape, Public Key Certificate, Space Tourism, Web of Trust
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Thawte Consulting is a certificate authority (CA) for X.509 certificates. Thawte was founded in 1995 by Mark Shuttleworth in South Africa and is the second largest public CA on the Internet. Thawte was originally run from Shuttleworth\'s parents\' garage....
Schoof's Algorithm: Schoof's Algorithm, Elliptic Curve, Finite Field, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Discrete Logarithm, Counting Points on Elliptic Curves, Baby-step Giant-step
Schoof's Algorithm: Schoof's Algorithm, Elliptic Curve, Finite Field, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Discrete Logarithm, Counting Points on Elliptic Curves, Baby-step Giant-step
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Schoof\'s Algorithm is an efficient algorithm to count points on elliptic curves over finite fields....
SPEKE (cryptography): Password-authenticated Key Agreement, Diffie?Hellman Key Exchange, Alice and Bob, Small Subgroup Confinement Attack, Man-in-the-middle Attack, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
SPEKE (cryptography): Password-authenticated Key Agreement, Diffie?Hellman Key Exchange, Alice and Bob, Small Subgroup Confinement Attack, Man-in-the-middle Attack, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! SPEKE is a cryptographic method for password-authenticated key agreement. The protocol consists of little more than a Diffie-Hellman key exchange where the Diffie-Hellman generator g is created from a hash of the password....
Salt (Cryptography): Cryptography, Key Derivation Function, Key, Cipher, Cryptographic Hash Function, Initialization Vector, Dictionary Attack, Key Strengthening, Transport Layer Security
Salt (Cryptography): Cryptography, Key Derivation Function, Key, Cipher, Cryptographic Hash Function, Initialization Vector, Dictionary Attack, Key Strengthening, Transport Layer Security
High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! In cryptography, a salt comprises random bits that are used as one of the inputs to a key derivation function. The other input is usually a password or passphrase. The output of the key derivation function is stored as the encrypted version of the password....
Wikipedia+: Mila Kunis Soler A.
Wikipedia+: Mila Kunis
This book is part of Hyperink\'s best little books series. This best little book is 3,600+ words of fast, entertaining information on a highly demanded topic. Based on reader feedback (including yours!), we may expand this book in the future. If we do so, we\'ll send a free copy to all previous buyers....
Wikipedia+: Lady Gaga Leeper S.
Wikipedia+: Lady Gaga
This book is part of Hyperink\'s best little books series. This best little book is 4,200+ words of fast, entertaining information on a highly demanded topic. Based on reader feedback (including yours!), we may expand this book in the future. If we do so, we\'ll send a free copy to all previous buyers....
Wikipedia+: Kanye West Elise O.
Wikipedia+: Kanye West
ABOUT THE BOOK Love him or hate him, Kanye West is one of the biggest rap artists in history. With numerous Grammy Awards and six platinum albums, West has diversified the face and sound of rap music. Before Kanye took rap by storm in 2004, the rap scene was almost completely dominated by gangster rap....
WIKIPEDIA (Spanish Edition) Martinez C.
WIKIPEDIA (Spanish Edition)
Este manual expone como es y como utilizar Wikipedia para aquellos que quieran iniciarse en una de las principales comunidades colaborativas de la red. Un manual que trata sobre una de las herramientas digitales mas utilizadas en nuestro dia a dia, sin reparar en que se trata de uno de los mayores fenomenos de la ultima decada....
Wikipedia Recommender System Pilkauskas P.
Wikipedia Recommender System
Wikipedia is a well known online encyclopedia. It is based on a collaborative authoring principle. The Wikipedia attracts millions of visitors and they are allowed to read, edit or create new articles....
Profiling Wikipedia Contributors Kaushik S.
Profiling Wikipedia Contributors
Wikipedia is a large web based, free online encyclopedia of various articles where everyone with internet access can contribute and edit articles collaboratively. This community of contributors is known as Wikipedians. Visitors or contributors do not need specialized qualifications to contribute to an article....
Enhancing Wikipedia with Semantic Technologies Lee L.
Enhancing Wikipedia with Semantic Technologies
As the amount of content grows on the Web, there is an increasing need to provide better search capabilities that produce relevant results. The use of semantics in information would allow us to achieve complex query execution which will provide greater accuracy in information retrieval....
Analyzing the Japanese Wikipedia Skevik K.
Analyzing the Japanese Wikipedia
The Internet based encyclopedia Wikipedia is a potentially very useful source of information but intuitively it is difficult to have confidence in the quality of an encyclopedia that anyone can modify....
Hymn to Wikipedia J.M. M.
Hymn to Wikipedia
Эта книга — репринт оригинального издания 2010 года, созданный на основе электронной копии высокого разрешения, которую очистили и обработали вручную, сохранив структуру и орфографию оригинального издания. Редкие, забытые и малоизвестные книги, изданные с петровских времен до наших дней, вновь доступны в виде печатных книг....
Wikipedia Presents. James Comey Full Senate Testimony Monticello W.
Wikipedia Presents. James Comey Full Senate Testimony
In a compact format (126 pages) this is the quick to go to guide for keeping up with all things James Comey (Comey Day). All of the documents are public domain (copyright free) and are unedited on purpose since WikiPedia allows for free publication and thus COPYRIGHT LEFT is in place. ...
Wikipedia Knows Nothing Chris B.
Wikipedia Knows Nothing
What does the Wikipedia know, and how can it know it? More to the point, how can anyone using an anonymously edited source, the contents of which change on a daily basis, know that what they are reading constitutes knowledge?...