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АВТОэнциклопедия Вильсон К.
Эта всеобъемлющая энциклопедия посвящена автомобилям, истории их создания и совершенствования. Она знакомит с самыми известными моделями машин, знаменитыми автомобильными фирмами, дизайнерами и конструкторами. Грандиозный экскурс в полувековую историю классических автомобилей....
Лучшие автомобили мира
Лучшие автомобили мира
В книге собраны автомобили-легенды, которые изменили мир моторов так же, как и великие люди меняют историю. В ней описаны 300 таких автомобилей - малолитражки, джипы, семейные экипажи и суперкары. Каждая модель проиллюстрирована красочными фотографиями, а всего в книге более 900 фото....
Классические автомобили. Мировая энциклопедия Лилливайт Д.
Классические автомобили. Мировая энциклопедия
В книге приведены самые значительные события и выдающиеся автомобили из истории мирового автомобилестроения. Красочные иллюстрации, цветные фотографии, технические характеристики и исчерпывающие описания делают издание уникальным и оригинальным, предназначенным как для специалистов и любителей истории автомобиля, так и для широкого круга читателей....
100 самых знаменитых и легендарных автомобилей мира, на которых каждый мечтает прокатиться Цеханский С.
100 самых знаменитых и легендарных автомобилей мира, на которых каждый мечтает прокатиться
Покупателю кабриолета Bentley Azure T предлагается на выбор 42 варианта окраски кузова и 25 различных сочетаний отделки салона - есть за что выложить 700 000 долларов, не так ли? Однако эта цена - не предел. Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport стоит 2 000 000 долларов. И не зря....
Большой подарок настоящему мужчине Хомич Е.В.
Большой подарок настоящему мужчине
Рыбалка и охота, баня и тренажёры, езда на скоростном автомобиле и шашлык на свежем воздухе, элитные спиртные напитки под хорошую сигару... Как вы думаете, кому это всё интересно? Конечно же, мужчинам! - скажете вы. Да, это так, но есть маленькое уточнение - не просто мужчинам, а настоящим!...
Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction Deary I.
Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction
People value their powers of thinking and most of us are interested in why some people seem to drive a highly tuned Rolls Royce brain while others potter along with a merely serviceable Ford Fiesta. This Very Short Introduction describes what......
Secret Britain. Hidden Bits of Our History Pollard J.
Secret Britain. Hidden Bits of Our History
Some of our most intriguing history is missing. Perhaps there has been a conspiracy, a cover-up? Or maybe some stories have been lost, forgotten or were just too embarrassing to talk about at the time? But now they are back, revealed in all their glory: secret passages, events, societies, loves, identities and even dark secrets of the grave....
McQueen's Machines: The Cars and Bikes of a Hollywood Icon Stone M.
McQueen's Machines: The Cars and Bikes of a Hollywood Icon
He made movies best remembered for their wild car chases, mad motorcycle dashes, and hair-raising races, but no one forgets the man at the wheel - Steve McQueen, the King of Cool. No other Hollywood star has been so closely linked with cars and bikes....
The Letters Of Rudyard Kipling V6 1931-36 (Letters of Rudyard Kipling)
The Letters Of Rudyard Kipling V6 1931-36 (Letters of Rudyard Kipling)
Book DescriptionThe most popular author of his day and a paradox who was both an assertive British imperialist and a man of sensitivity and wide reading, Rudyard Kipling is best remembered now as the author of The Jungle Book, the Just-So Stories, and Kim. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907?the first Englishman to receive this prize....
Sassetta: The Borgo San Sepolcro Altarpiece (Villa I Tatti) 2 volume set
Sassetta: The Borgo San Sepolcro Altarpiece (Villa I Tatti) 2 volume set
Sassetta, the subtle genius from Siena, revolutionized Italian painting with an altarpiece for the small Tuscan town of Borgo San Sepolcro in 1437–1444. Originally standing some six yards high, double-sided, with a splendid gilt frame over the main altar of the local Franciscan church, it was the Rolls Royce of early Renaissance painting....
Pasion India Moro J.
Pasion India
El 28 de enero de 1908, una espanola de 17 anos, sentada a lomos de un elefante lujosamente enjaezado, hace su entrada en una pequena ciudad del norte de la India. El pueblo entero esta en la calle rindiendo un calido homenaje a la nueva princesa de tez tan blanca como las nieves del Himalaya....
Trunk Music Connelly M.
Trunk Music
From the opening bars, when the body of Tony Aliso is pulled from the trunk of his Rolls Royce Silver Cloud on Mulholland Drive, to the final grace note on a Hawaiian beach, Connelly has crafted a jazzy, funky, roller coaster of a book. The return of maverick L.A....
Aerospace Marketing Management: Manufacturers, Oem, Airlines, Airports, Satellites, Launchers Benaroya C. Malaval P.
Aerospace Marketing Management: Manufacturers, Oem, Airlines, Airports, Satellites, Launchers
This book contains 45 case studies of aeronautics and space companies including: Aeromexico, Airbus, Airbus Military Company, Air France, AirNewco....
Ultimate Book of Business Brands : Insights from the World's 50 Greatest Brands (The Ultimate Series) Crainer S. Dearlove D.
Ultimate Book of Business Brands : Insights from the World's 50 Greatest Brands (The Ultimate Series)
featuring: American Express - Apple - Barbie - Benetton - Budweiser - Coca-Cola - Disney - Federal Express - The Gap - General Electric - Gillette - Goodyear - Guinness - Haagen-Dazs - Harley-Davidson -Harvard Business School - Heineken - Heinz - Hertz - Hewlett-Packard - Holiday Inn - Hoover - IBM - Ikea Intel - Kelloggs - Kodak - Lego - Levi-Stra...
Strategy and Performance: Getting the Measure of Your Business (Strategy and Performance) Bourne M. Mills J. Neely A. Platts K. Richards H.
Strategy and Performance: Getting the Measure of Your Business (Strategy and Performance)
Understanding how your manufacturing business performs is essential to remain competitive, but extremely difficult to do. The main purpose of this book is to provide directors, managers, change agents and consultants with simple but effective tools to help design and implement performance measurement systems, such as the Balanced Scorecard....
An Autobiography Ogilvy D.
An Autobiography
\"I remembered how my grandfather had failed as a farmer and become a successful businessman. Why not follow in his footsteps? Why not start an advertising agency? I was thirty-eight... no credentials, no clients, and only $6,000 in the bank....
The defense industry: A comparative analysis of US and European companies Santaniello V.
The defense industry: A comparative analysis of US and European companies
Over the last years, the global defense industry has been experiencing a substantial growth rate. It has gradually become a vital component of the economic structure of the most powerful nations in the world. Gaining a deep understanding of this sector is paramount....
My Other Wife Is A Car: Confessions of a Car Tragic Wright J. (Райт Дж.)
My Other Wife Is A Car: Confessions of a Car Tragic
In John Wright\'s life, cars take a close second place to family, simple as that. My Other Wife is a Car is his memoir of 30 years of automotive obsession one man\'s life seen as a lifelong test drive....
Лучшие автомобили мира Назаров Р.В.
Лучшие автомобили мира
Идеального автомобиля не существует. Ни за какие деньги. За сто с лишним лет автомобильные компании не смогли создать такую модель, которая понравится всем 400 миллионам автовладельцев. Но есть автомобили-легенды, которые изменили мир моторов так же, как и великие люди меняют историю....
My Gun Has Bullets Goldberg L.
My Gun Has Bullets
When Beverly Hills Police Officer Charlie Willis pulls over a speeding Rolls Royce hell-bent for Neiman Marcus, he’s surprised to see Esther Radcliffe, the geriatric star of the TV series \"Miss Agatha,\" behind the wheel. He’s even more surprised when she guns him down and keeps on driving....
British Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design Heseltine R. Zumbrunn M.
British Auto Legends: Classics of Style and Design
The British motor industry has created many of the world’s landmark car designs. Its famous names – Jaguar, Bentley, AC, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin – are inextricably linked with some of the most recognized and coveted cars ever made....
10 автомобилей, которые перевернули мир Медведев М.Ю.
10 автомобилей, которые перевернули мир
Перед вами книга об автомобилях, и не только о них. Из нее вы узнаете и о истории создания машин, и все их технические характеристики. Помимо этого вы познакомитесь с интереснейшими личностями - инженерами, конструкторами и дизайнерами. Вас ждут драматически сюжеты с неожиданными развязками....
Автомобили мира 2013
Автомобили мира 2013
Ежегодный каталог Автомобили мира модельного ряда 2013 года. Иллюстрированное в цвете периодическое издание, посвященное обзору мирового рынка автомобилей....
Pasion India Moro J.
Pasion India
El 28 de enero de 1908, una espanola de 17 anos, sentada a lomos de un elefante lujosamente enjaezado, hace su entrada en una pequena ciu-dad del norte de la India. El pueblo entero esta en la calle rindiendo un calido homenaje a la nueva princesa de tez tan blanca como las nieves del Himalaya....
British Auto Legends Zumbrunn M.
British Auto Legends
Great Britain\'s role in shaping the history of the automobile cannot be overestimated....
British Auto Legends Zumbrunn M.
British Auto Legends
The British motor industry has created many of the world\'s landmark car designs. Its famous names - Jaguar, Bentley, AC, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin - are inextricably linked with some of the most recognized and coveted cars ever made....
The Long Good-Bye Raymond C.
The Long Good-Bye
To begin with he was another good time drunk in a Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith outside the terrace of The Dancers. A little later he turned up as a vagrant on Hollywood Boulevard. For no reason other than curiosity Philip Marlowe came to the rescue. Then......
British Auto Legends Michel Z.
British Auto Legends
The British motor industry has created many of the world’s landmark car designs. Its famous names – Jaguar, Bentley, AC, Rolls-Royce, Aston Martin – are inextricably linked with some of the most recognized and coveted cars ever made. This book gathers......
What Not to Drive Hammond R.
What Not to Drive
One positive if belated aspect of \'Cool Britannia\' is that British-originated cars have become (again?) among the coolest on the planet. Range Rover, Mini, Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Aston Martin - especially the Aston Martin - these are names......
Absolute Truths Howatch S.
Absolute Truths
Charles Ashworth is privileged, pampered and pleased with himself. As Bishop of Starbridge in 1965 he \'purrs along as effortlessly as a well-tuned Rolls-Royce\' while he proclaims his famous \'absolute truths\' to a society which he......
100 лучших автомобилей мира Назаров Р.В.
100 лучших автомобилей мира
Серия книг о самых лучших в мире местах и достижениях человечества. В каждой книге представлены 100 объектов по теме с красочными иллюстрациями, интересными описаниями и полезной информацией....
Car Posters Lopez E.
Car Posters
The invention and development of the motor car has led to great transformations in our society and is charted here through the striking posters that were used to show off the latest models Large number of illustrations show the range of design styles through the 20th century, including famous artists such as Cassandre The artworks in this book show...
Motors Finest: Seeger Collection Rolls Royce-Bentley - Insights, History, Technology Muller P.
Motors Finest: Seeger Collection Rolls Royce-Bentley - Insights, History, Technology
Bentley and Rolls-Royce - there is one word that sums up the whole nimbus of myths and associations that surrounds these luxury car brands: \'passion\'. The passion of the designers and constructors as well as that of the aficionados, owners and collectors....
Dirty Food Hilker C.
Dirty Food
Dirty food is the dining equivalent of sticking your finger up at the world, a wolf whistle and a flash of bare bottom from the back of a passing bus combined with a Rolls Royce veneer. It is the best worst food you will ever eat. Ribs, burgers, and fried chicken, pimped and preened to filthy perfection, have been reclaimed as the food of the gods....
Beatles In 100 Objects Southall B.
Beatles In 100 Objects
This is the fascinating story of the biggest band the world has ever known, told through the objects that were owned, used and inspired by John, Paul, George and Ringo....
Luxury Toys for Men: The Ultimate Collection Davis J.
Luxury Toys for Men: The Ultimate Collection
The LUXURY TOYS series has set high expectations during its decade of publication. Now we present its most extravagant incarnation yet. Every man yearns for the finer things in life, but only a select few can indulge in them as they wish. Some may even get to sample an occasional extravagance that is among the world\'s most refined....
100 самых дорогих автомобилей мира Лурье П. Назаров Р.В.
100 самых дорогих автомобилей мира
Серия книг о самых лучших в мире местах и достижениях человечества. В каждой книге представлены 100 объектов по теме с красочными иллюстрациями, интересными описаниями и полезной информацией....
The Cottage Steel D. (Стил Д.)
The Cottage
On a sunny day in Hollywood, a gleaming Rolls-Royce convertible pulls through the gates of the magnificent estate known as The Cottage. The man behind the wheel is Hollywood\"s ageless wonder, Cooper Winslow, a star of the silver screen for decades, a man whose allure to women is the stuff of legend....
Management Researches and Management Terms Taderera F.
Management Researches and Management Terms
Faustino Taderera, the celebrity and towering figure, is the finest Management Education academic ever produced in Zimbabwe and the African continent and the most published business academic, icon and guru on the African continent; the Eldorado, Rolls Royce and Jewel of management education nicknamed, \"The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Mi...
Strategic Management Models and Terms Taderera F.
Strategic Management Models and Terms
Faustino Taderera, the celebrity and towering figure, is the finest Management Education academic ever produced in Zimbabwe and the African continent and the most published business academic, icon and guru on the African continent, the Eldorado, Rolls Royce and Jewel of management education nicknamed, \"The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Mi...
International Logistics Mahachi F.
International Logistics
Faustino Taderera, the celebrity, is the finest International Business and Supply Chain brains ever produced by Zimbabwe and the African continent and is nicknamed, \"The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Middle East.\" His students call him, \"The Rumbler, the Caterpillar and the Rollercoaster....
Знаменитые и легендарные автомобили мира Вильсон К.
Знаменитые и легендарные автомобили мира
Замечательное издание расскажет вам об истории автомобильной промышленности: оно познакомит вас с ее лучшими представителями и раскроет тайны легендарных машин, поделится интересными, удивительными фактами и выдержками из биографий знаменитых создателей автомобилей и их не менее знаменитых владельцев....
Capability Expansion of Non-Linear Gas Path Analysis Ntantis E.
Capability Expansion of Non-Linear Gas Path Analysis
The aim of the research is to explore the applied benefits of Gas Path Analysis (GPA) in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics with the main objectives of the implementation of measurement noise and leakage model on GPA analysis....
Commercial and Business Law Terms and Definitions Taderera F.
Commercial and Business Law Terms and Definitions
Faustino Taderera, the celebrity and towering figure, is the finest Management Education academic ever produced in Zimbabwe and the African continent and the most published business academic, icon and guru on the African continent, the Eldorado, Rolls Royce and Jewel of management education nicknamed, \\\"The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Mi...
The defense industry Santaniello V.
The defense industry
Over the last years, the global defense industry has been experiencing a substantial growth rate. It has gradually become a vital component of the economic structure of the most powerful nations in the world. Gaining a deep understanding of this sector is paramount....
The Law of International Trade Mahachi F.
The Law of International Trade
Faustino Taderera, the celebrity, is the finest International Business and Supply Chain brains ever produced by Zimbabwe and the African continent and is nicknamed, \\\"The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Middle East.\\\" His students call him, \\\"The Rumbler, the Caterpillar and the Rollercoaster....
Armoured Cars in Eden - An American President`s Son Serving in Rolls Royce Armoured Cars with the British in Mesopotamia and with the American Artille K. R.
Armoured Cars in Eden - An American President`s Son Serving in Rolls Royce Armoured Cars with the British in Mesopotamia and with the American Artille
Armoured Cars in Eden.A president's son at war in the land that became modern day Iraq.This is the story of a young American man serving in a little documented force in an almost forgotten campaign. More remarkably, he was from a background of military tradition and adventure and the son of a former United States president....