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Lagerfeld K., Aktstrakt

2003 г., 32 стр., 3882438738

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Book DescriptionSteidl Collectors Series~In Akstrakt , photographer Karl Lagerfeld deals with the topic of Form. In so doing, he takes the liberty of broadening, in the Beuysian sense, the concept of art, including man's physicality. The strictly thought-out study Akstrakt , consisting of 13 photo plates, formally takes up the tradition of Bauhaus photography. The design and production of the book rigorously follow traditional rules: the photographs, varnish-sealed in the costly tritone process, were printed on Phoenixmotion-Xanthur paper. The book block was laid out as a Japanese brochure and cased in cloth binding with a two-color brass-stamped plate. Edited by Eric Pfrunder. Hardcover, 10.5 x 10.5 in./32 pgs / 0 color 0 BW0 duotone 13 Tritone~ Item D20288

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