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Apress A., Holden G., Internet Babylon: Secrets, Scandals, and Shocks on the Information Superhighway

, 1590592999

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This book looks at the Internet from a sordid and entertaining perspective. The line between truth and fiction is blurred on the Net, just as it is in Hollywood, and so are the scandals involving well-known movie and TV personalities, politicians, andthe Internet's own brand of celebrities. The battle between illusion and reality is every bit as intense on the Internet as on the celluloid screen. Going beyond sites that glorify the seamier side to life, Internet Babylon is a guide to the unique sites that appeal to selective sensibilities. Internet Babylon gives you the ability to live vicariously through and be a participant in extraordinary, even strange, goings-on that you might never otherwise encounter in your day-to-day life. You'll not only find entertaining and titillating stories that define the rough and wild side of a major force in society that's still developing, but you'll also discover the tools you need to be on top of breaking stories and find the news...

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