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Schmid A., Volter M., Wolff E., Server Component Patterns: Component Infrastructures Illustrated with EJB (Wiley Software Patterns Series)

Wiley, 2002 г., 488 стр., 0470843195

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Component technologies like Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), COM+ and CORBA Components (CCM) have become mainstream in many application domains. Developers and architects who use this technology in their everyday work need to know more about component infrastructures than the API's of the respective technology. And this is the book they need. The first part of the book introduces a pattern language that describes how server-side component infrastructures work internally. It does not only adress the basic building blocks and their interactions. It also provides details about the reasons and rationales for this kind of system architecture. For each pattern, the book provides short examples of how it is implemented in EJB, CCM and COM+. These examples thus also serve as a good comparison of those three mainstream component infrastructures. The second part of the book uses EJB technology to provide even more detailed examples for the patterns, including UML...

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Magic!  [16 November 2010]
One of those marvelous books that cover rather advanced material in an easy-to-read manner both in theory and practice. I have been looking for a book focusing on this very content for about four years - and here it is - so profound and reader friendly.
I mostly liked the accent on "separation of concerns" that shows that component is basically responsible for business logic completely abstracted from technology and container furnishes the technical aspects of the computing.
The reach reference material in the end of book demonstrates that the authors are not only good experts in their area but also have advanced skills in explaining their knowledge to others. Most definitely I will buy other books of anyone of the trio without any doubt.

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