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Gay J., Gifford H., Pitaru A., Spiegel J., Tan M., New Masters of Flash: The 2002 Annual

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Finally, friends of ED have produced a beautiful full color companion to last years New Masters of Flash! Each New Masters volume delves deep into the heart of the year's most innovative Flash design and brings you the new New Masters' inspiration and technique. Building to form a unique collection of Flash Art, the New Masters series tests your Flash skills, offers inspiration and insight, while at the same time forms an in-depth chronicle of the best of motion graphics. New Masters: Flash Annual 2002 gives competent web artists inspiration on cutting-edge Flash design techniques, as well as serious tutorial information on how to build top class effects. The format builds on the best of the original best-selling volume, New Masters of Flash, while improving in such areas as generic customisable code examples. The talents, the inspirations and effects are all of the moment and represent the mature and expert deployment of the staggering new capabilities of Flash 5 ActionScript. This...

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